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Trying to import an npm package to bare JS/HTML served with python/flask.

<script type="module">

    import { configureChains, createClient } from "./node_modules/@wagmi/core";
    import { bsc } from "./node_modules/@wagmi/core/chains";
    import { Web3Modal } from "./node_modules/@web3modal/html";
    import {EthereumClient,modalConnectors,walletConnectProvider} from "./node_modules/@web3modal/ethereum";


Error message:

Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I solved the problem with using dist/main.js that webpack created. If you face with this problem you can use webpack easily.

  2. When you import or require a module in Node.js it has a bunch of rules for converting a module name to a module (including picking particular files out of module directories).

    Browsers don’t do that. When you import a module you need to provide a URL that points to the JS file containing the module.

    Your URL points to an HTML document. Probably this is an automatically generated HTML document containing a listing of the files in that directory.

    You need to change it to point to the JS file.


    The JS file will also need to be an ES6 module (not a CommonJS module) and not depend on any Node.js-specific APIs (such as the fs module).

    Note: Generally people using npm to manage client-side dependencies will use a bundler tool (such as Webpack or Parcel) to convert their modules into a single browser-compatible file. Such tools can take care of the different kinds of module supported by Node.js (although they can’t make things like filesystem access work!).

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