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I’m learning to code in JavaScript and HTML to try and learn some web development and I am trying to figure out how to make a HTML button be able to add a value to a JavaScript variable

My code is not working how I would like. You can probably tell what I’m trying to do but can someone tell me how I’m meant to do it.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var number = 123;

    function docWrite(variable) {

    function addOne(variable) {
      variable + 1






  1. you should use this code

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var number = 123;
        function docWrite() {
          document.getElementById("number").innerHTML = number;
        function addOne() {
      <h1 id="number">
      <button onclick="addOne()">addOne</button>
      <script type="text/javascript">
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  2. First thing, your button is empty, with no text the button can’t appear.
    So you need to add text to your button like this:

    <button>Add one</button>

    Second thing you need to call your addOne function each time your button is pressed with a onclick trigger :

    <button onclick="addOne(number)"></button>

    After these two things you need to edit some things in your JS

    let number = 123;
    function docWrite(variable) {
      var h1 = document.querySelector('h1');
      h1.innerHTML = 'Current value:' + variable
    function addOne(variable) {
      number = variable

    First select and edit your h1 tag with innerHTML otherwise you will overwrite your full document on first click. With document.selector & innerHTML only your tag will be edit.

    In addOne Function i’ve replaced variable +1 with variable++(The same but cleaner), rewrite number so your value is updated for your next itteration then write again on your h1

    With these things your code should work. 🙂

    I’ve grouped JS also ( cleaner )
    Hope it will help
    Full code :

    Post Edit: For your button you can also use AddEventListener to call an event on each click like this:

    var button = document.querySelector('button')
    button.addEventListener('click', addOne(number))

    And HTML:

    <button>Add one</button>

    Same result just a bit more complicated process but much cleaner:)

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