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I have a table in my html file.

<table class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
      <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>

This file created by my python script and I want to add inside js script for recount table without call my backend. Inside data follow the formulas: cid6 = cid4*cid5 and cid9=cid6/cid7*cid8

I want to paste in my html input form for new_cid4 value which must to replace each cid4 values in the table only for rows where ‘cid4’ < ‘new_cid4’. As result I want to recount values of columns cid6, cid9. Аnd very good if rows where cid4 > new_cid4 will be hided.

I’m pythonist and can’t to make this js script myself. May be JS masters can help me?



  1. Basically, you need to add an event listener to the element in question.

    First, query elements from the document using document.querySelector() (assuming you have one <input> and one <button>; I made a snippet below for your reference):

    <input type="number">
    const input = document.querySelector('input');
    const button = document.querySelector('button');

    Then, add an event listener:

    button.addEventListener('click', () => {
      // Retrieve the value of <input>. This value is a string.
      const new_cid4 = input.value;
      // Get all rows in an array-like.
      const rows = document.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
      // Iterate over each row
      for (const row of rows) {
        // Shortcut lambdas
        const cell = index => row.children[index];
        const cellValue = index => cell(index).textContent;
        const cid4 = cellValue(4);
        // Convert to number explicitly since we're comparing.
        if (Number(cid4) >= Number(new_cid4)) {
          // Add an inline 'display: none' for the row.
 = 'none';
        // Remove inline 'display', if any.'display');
        // Calculate new cell values.
        // Note that JS automatically convert strings to numbers when multiplying / dividing.
        // (i.e. no need to use Number() explicitly)
        cell(4).textContent = new_cid4;
        cell(6).textContent = new_cid4 * cellValue(5);
        cell(9).textContent = cellValue(6) / cellValue(7) * cellValue(8);

    Try it:

    // Demo only
    const input = document.querySelector('input');
    const button = document.querySelector('button');
    button.addEventListener('click', () => {
      const new_cid4 = input.value;
      const rows = document.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
      for (const row of rows) {
        const cell = index => row.children[index];
        const cellValue = index => cell(index).textContent;
        const cid4 = cellValue(4);
        // Unary '+' is a shortcut for Number().
        if (+cid4 >= +new_cid4) {
 = 'none';
        cell(4).textContent = new_cid4;
        cell(6).textContent = new_cid4 * cellValue(5);
        cell(9).textContent = (
          cellValue(6) / cellValue(7) * cellValue(8)
        ).toFixed(2); // Decimal places
        // Demo only
    /* Demo only */
    function addRandomData() {
      const tbody = document.querySelector('tbody');
      const max = 2 + Math.random() * 10 | 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        const row = document.createElement('tr');
        row.appendChild(createCell('2023-05-08 15:39:21'));
        for (let j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
            createCell(Math.random() * 1e3 | 0)
        const calculator = cellCalculatorFromRow(row)
        calculator(6, row => row[4] * row[5]);
        calculator(9, row => row[6] / row[7] * row[8]);
    function createCell(text = '') {
      const cell = document.createElement('td');
      cell.textContent = text;
      return cell;
    function cellCalculatorFromRow(row) {
      const cellValues = new Proxy(row, {
        get(target, property) {
          return +target.children[property].textContent;
      return function(index, callback) {
        row.children[index].textContent = +callback(cellValues).toFixed(2);
    function blink(row) {
        { background: '#ff0' },
        { background: '#fff' }
      ], 700);
    table, th, td {
      border: 1px solid black;
      border-collapse: collapse;
    #form {
      margin: 1em 0;
    <table class="dataframe">
        <tr style="text-align: right">
          <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
          <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
    <div id="form">
      <input type="number">
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  2. Version with html input. It recalculate values and hides rows where this condition is not met cid4 <= new_cid4. It also gets all the table values and create the array of objects out of them.

    const updateRow = (new_cid4, rowData, reset = false) => {
        const { cid1, cid2, cid3, cid5, cid7, cid8 } = rowData;
        let { cid4, cid6, cid9 } = rowData;
        if (!reset) cid4 = cid4 <= new_cid4 ? new_cid4 : cid4;
        cid6 = cid4 * cid5;
        cid9 = (cid6 / cid7) * cid8;
        return { cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4, cid5, cid6, cid7, cid8, cid9,};
    const updateRowDOM = (row, rowData, hideRow = false) => {
        row.querySelector('td:nth-child(5)').textContent = rowData.cid4;
        row.querySelector('td:nth-child(7)').textContent = rowData.cid6;
        row.querySelector('td:nth-child(10)').textContent = rowData.cid9;
        row.classList.toggle('hidden', hideRow);
    const cid4Input = document.getElementById('cid4Input');
    const updateButton = document.getElementById('updateButton');
    const rows = document.querySelectorAll('.dataframe tbody tr');
    let new_cid4 = 0;
    let data = [...rows].map((row) => {
        const timestamp = row.querySelector('td:first-child').textContent;
        const rowData = [...row.querySelectorAll('td:nth-child(n+1)')].reduce(
            (acc, td, index) => ({...acc,[`cid${index}`]: parseFloat(td.textContent.replace(',', '.')) }), {}
        const updatedRowData = updateRow(new_cid4, rowData);
        return {
    let defaultData = [];
    const handleUpdate = (new_cid4, data, reset = false) => {
        return, index) => {
            const row = rows[index];
            const hideRow = !reset ? rowData.cid4 >= new_cid4 : false;
            const updatedRowData = updateRow(new_cid4, rowData, reset);
            updateRowDOM(row, updatedRowData, hideRow);
            return {timestamp: rowData.timestamp,  ...updatedRowData,
    updateButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const new_cid4 = Number(cid4Input.value);
        data = new_cid4 ?
            handleUpdate(new_cid4, data, false) :
            handleUpdate(0, defaultData, true);
    .dataframe {
      border-collapse: collapse;
      width: 100%;
      border: 1px solid #dee2e6;
      th,td {
       padding: 0.5rem;
       text-align: left;
       border: 1px solid #dee2e6;
       th {
        font-weight: bold;
        padding: 0 0 20px 0;
    <div id="wrap">
    <div class="controls">
     <input type="number" id="cid4Input">
      <button id="updateButton">Update cid4</button>
       <table class="dataframe">
       <tr style="text-align: right;">
         <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
         <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
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  3. First, you need to determine th cell indices, and then make a calculation tbody tr based on them.

    new_cid4.oninput = function() {
      const value = this.value ?? Number(this.value);
      const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.dataframe');
      tables.forEach(table => {
        /* get cels indexes */
        const cels = [...table.querySelectorAll('th')].reduce((prev, current, index) => {
         prev[current.textContent] = index;
         return prev;
        }, {})
        /* cid4 */
        if (cels.cid4) {
         table.querySelectorAll(`td:nth-child(${cels.cid4 + 1})`).forEach(el => {
          if (!el.dataset.initialValue) {
            el.dataset.initialValue = Number(el.textContent);
          const tr = el.closest('tr');
 = 'table-row';
          /* restore */
          if (value === '') {
            el.textContent = el.dataset.initialValue;
          const val = Number(el.textContent);
          if (val <= value) {
            el.textContent = value;
          } else {
   = 'none';
        table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr').forEach(tr => {
         /* cid6 = cid4*cid5 */
         if (cels.cid6, cels.cid4, cels.cid5) {
          const cid4 = getCell(cels.cid4);
          const cid5 = getCell(cels.cid5);
          const cid6 = getCell(cels.cid6);
          cid6.textContent = Number(cid4.textContent) * Number(cid5.textContent);
         /* cid9=cid6/cid7*cid8 */
         if (cels.cid9, cels.cid6, cels.cid7, cels.cid8) {
          const cid9 = getCell(cels.cid9);
          const cid6 = getCell(cels.cid6);
          const cid7 = getCell(cels.cid7);
          const cid8 = getCell(cels.cid8);
          cid9.textContent = Number(cid6.textContent) / Number(cid7.textContent) * Number(cid8.textContent);
         function getCell(index) {
          return tr.querySelector(`td:nth-child(${index + 1})`);
    .dataframe {
      border-collapse: collapse;
      border-spacing: 0;
      width: 100%;
    .dataframe td {
      padding: 5px;
      border: solid 1px #ccc;
    <table class="dataframe">
       <tr style="text-align: right;">
        <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
        <td>2023-04-08 15:39:21</td>
    <input type="number" id="new_cid4" placeholder="new_cid4">
    Login or Signup to reply.
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