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I am styling an HTML nested ordered list (numbered).
I am trying to achieve same layout as MS Word has usually when you press Tab before the numbered list item. Ex:

1. Item at top Item at middle
2. Item at bottom

For now I have the following CSS which sets for the Item at middle.
Is there any way to fix that with CSS and without changing the HTML?

ol { counter-reset: itemCounter; padding-left: 0 }
ol li { list-style: none; }
ol li:not(:has(ol)):before {
    content: counters(itemCounter, ".") ". ";
    counter-increment: itemCounter;
   <li>Item at top</li>
                     <li>Item at middle</li>
   <li>Item at bottom</li>



  1. With this modification, the nested ol element will start with "1" instead of "0", and the numbering will continue from there.

    ol {
      counter-reset: itemCounter;
      padding-left: 0;
    ol li {
      list-style: none;
    ol li:not(:has(ol)):before {
      content: counters(itemCounter, ".") ". ";
      counter-increment: itemCounter;
    ol ol {
      counter-reset: itemCounter 1; /* initialize counter to 1 */
      padding-left: 1.5em;
       <li>Item at top</li>
                         <li>Item at middle</li>
       <li>Item at bottom</li>
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  2. This seems to work as you need it to:

    ol { counter-reset: itemCounter; padding-left: 0 }
    ol li { list-style: none; }
    ol li:not(:has(ol)):before {
        content: counters(itemCounter, ".") ". ";
        counter-increment: itemCounter;
    ol>li:has(ol) {
      counter-increment: itemCounter 0;
    ol>li ol li:has(ol) {
      counter-increment: itemCounter 1;
       <li>Item at top</li>
                         <li>Item at middle</li>
                         <li>Item at middle</li>
             <!-- a few li for testing 👇 -->
                         <li>Item at middle</li>
                         <li>Item at middle</li>
                         <li>Item at middle</li>
       <li>Item at bottom</li>
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