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i have been trying to remove the horizontal and vertical lines nearby child but cannot able to achieve would be helpful as i have been trying it for more than a day

i have attached the js fiddle for referenceneeed to remove the blue horizontal and vertical line nearby line to be removed. i cannot able to remove the lines inside the parent.i have been using pseudo elements and classes but cannot able to achieve it

i would like to achieve the tree view like this

    --spacing : 1.5rem;
    --radius  : 10px;
  .tree li{
    display      : block;
    position     : relative;
    padding-left : calc(2 * var(--spacing) - var(--radius) - 2px);
  .tree ul{
    margin-left  : calc(var(--radius) - var(--spacing));
    padding-left : 0;
    /* border-color: red */
  .tree ul li {
    border-left : 2px solid #ddd;
    /* border-color: red */
  .tree ul li:last-child{
    border-color : transparent ;
  .tree li {

    border-color: red
  .tree ul li::before{
    content      : '';
    display      : block;
    position     : absolute;
    top          : calc(var(--spacing) / -2);
    left         : -2px;
    width        : calc(var(--spacing) + 2px);
    height       : calc(var(--spacing) + 1px);
    border       : solid #ddd;
    border-width : 0 0 2px 2px;
    border-color: blue
  .tree  li ::after{
/*     border-color: blue
     */  }
  .tree summary{
    display : block;
    cursor  : pointer;
  .tree summary::marker,
  .tree summary::after{
    border-color : transparent;


  .tree summary::after,
  .tree li ::after {
    /* border-color: red */

  .tree summary::marker,
  .tree summary::-webkit-details-marker{
    display : none;
  .tree summary:focus{
    outline : none;
  .tree summary:focus-visible{
    outline : 1px dotted #000;
  .tree li::after,
  .tree summary::before{
    display       : block;
    position      : absolute;
    top           : calc(var(--spacing) / 2 - var(--radius));
    left          : calc(var(--spacing) - var(--radius) - 1px);
    width         : calc(2 * var(--radius));
    height        : calc(2 * var(--radius));
    border-radius : 50%;
    background    : #ddd;
  .tree summary::before{
    content     : '+';
    z-index     : 1;
    color       : #fff;
    line-height : calc(2 * var(--radius) - 2px);
    text-align  : center;
    /* border-color: red */



  1. .tree > li to target only child of the classe .tree

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  2. – Edited –

    Demo code

    .tree {
      --spacing : 1.5rem;
      --radius  : 10px;
    .tree li {
      display      : block;
      position     : relative;
      padding-left : calc(2 * var(--spacing) - var(--radius));
    .tree ul {
      margin-left  : calc(var(--radius) - var(--spacing));
      padding-left : 0;
    .tree > li > details > ul > li {
      border-left : 2px solid blue;
      padding-top: 5px;
    .tree ul li:last-child {
      border-color : transparent ;
    .tree > li > details > summary {
      padding-top: 5px;
    .tree > li > details > ul > li::before {
      content      : '';
      display      : block;
      position     : absolute;
      top          : calc(var(--spacing) / -3);
      left         : -2px;
      width        : calc(var(--spacing) + 2px);
      height       : calc(var(--spacing) + 1px);
      border       : solid #ddd;
      border-width : 0 0 2px 2px;
      border-color: blue
    .tree summary {
      display : block;
      cursor  : pointer;
    .tree summary::marker,
    .tree summary::after {
      border-color : transparent;
    .tree summary::marker,
    .tree summary::-webkit-details-marker {
      display : none;
    .tree summary:focus {
      outline : none;
    .tree summary:focus-visible {
      outline : 1px dotted #000;
    .tree li::after,
    .tree summary::before {
      display       : block;
      position      : absolute;
      left          : calc(var(--spacing) - var(--radius));
      width         : calc(2 * var(--radius));
      height        : calc(2 * var(--radius));
      border-radius : 50%;
      background    : #ddd;
    .tree summary::before {
      content     : '+';
      z-index     : 1;
      color       : #fff;
      line-height : calc(2 * var(--radius) - 2px);
      text-align  : center;
    <ul class="tree">
        <details open>
          <summary>Main parent</summary>
          <ul >
                  <li >nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
                  <li>nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
                  <li>nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
                  <li>nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
        <details open>
          <summary>Main parent</summary>
          <ul >
                  <li >nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
                  <li>nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
                  <li>nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
                  <li>nearby lines rneed to be removed</li>
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