I am lost guys.
I want my Navbar to be sticky to the top but it doenst work and I cant find a solution. Ive tried for so long I gave up and wanted to ask here. I tried the "fixed", t-0, etc. I am using tailwindcss Thanks for any answers.
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here is a tailwind play if anybody needs it.
on the<body>
element applies afilter
value, which causes the<body>
to introduce a new stacking context and stops thefixed
(I assume you meant this instead of theabsolute
also applied) from working. Removing thebackdrop-blur
should make the navigation bar be fixed to the viewport. See this Tailwind Play for the live example.Your issue is passing both
classes to yournav
element, where instead they should be exchanged for thesticky
class so that it sticks on top, like: