I am trying to hit alamofire post request but, Getting Request failed with error responseSerializationFailed ( reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseSerializationFailureReason.jsonSerializationFailed ( error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Invalid value around line 1, column 0." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Invalid value around line 1, column 0., NSJSONSerializationErrorIndex=0})). Please help me to figure out the issue. Thanks.
below is my Api handler method
func apiPostRequest1(parameters:[String:String], url:String, completionHandler: @escaping (Any?) -> Swift.Void) {
var headers = HTTPHeaders(parameters)
headers.add(name: "Content-Type", value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8")
method: .post,
parameters: parameters,
encoding: URLEncoding.httpBody,
headers: headers).validate(statusCode: 200..<600).responseJSON{ response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let JSON):
case .failure(let error):
print("Request failed with error (error)")
Below code is working when i removed headers from request.
In my case, it was an issue with passing the password parameter.
I was passing the encoded password
requestDict["password"] = (parameters?["password"] as? String)?.encodeToBase64()
I checked with the backend team and I avoided that and passed the same text password
requestDict["password"] = (parameters?["password"]
make sure you are passing the correct parameters and correct URL as per API requirements.