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I need your help to implement a custom JSON decoding. The JSON returned by the API is:

  "zones": [
      "name": "zoneA",
      "blocks": [
        // an array of objects of type ElementA
      "name": "zoneB",
      "blocks": [
        // an array of objects of type ElementB
      "name": "zoneC",
      "blocks": [
        // an array of objects of type ElementC
      "name": "zoneD",
      "blocks": [
        // an array of objects of type ElementD

I don’t want to parse this JSON as an array of zones with no meaning. I’d like to produce a model with an array for every specific type of block, like this:

struct Root {
    let elementsA: [ElementA]
    let elementsB: [ElementB]
    let elementsC: [ElementC]
    let elementsD: [ElementD]

How can I implement the Decodable protocol (by using init(from decoder:)) to follow this logic? Thank you.



  1. This is a solution with nested containers. With the given (simplified but valid) JSON string

    let jsonString = """
      "zones": [
          "name": "zoneA",
          "blocks": [
            {"name": "Foo"}
          "name": "zoneB",
          "blocks": [
            {"street":"Broadway", "city":"New York"}
          "name": "zoneC",
          "blocks": [
            {"email": "[email protected]"}
          "name": "zoneD",
          "blocks": [
            {"phone": "555-01234"}

    and the corresponding element structs

    struct ElementA : Decodable { let name: String }
    struct ElementB : Decodable { let street, city: String }
    struct ElementC : Decodable { let email: String }
    struct ElementD : Decodable { let phone: String }

    first decode the zones as nestedUnkeyedContainer then iterate the array and decode first the name key and depending on name the elements.

    Side note: This way requires to declare the element arrays as variables.

    struct Root : Decodable {
        var elementsA = [ElementA]()
        var elementsB = [ElementB]()
        var elementsC = [ElementC]()
        var elementsD = [ElementD]()
        enum Zone: String, Decodable { case zoneA, zoneB, zoneC, zoneD }
        private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case zones }
        private enum ZoneCodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case name, blocks }
        init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
            let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
            var zonesContainer = try container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .zones)
            while !zonesContainer.isAtEnd {
                let item = try zonesContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: ZoneCodingKeys.self)
                let zone = try item.decode(Zone.self, forKey: .name)
                switch zone {
                    case .zoneA: elementsA = try item.decode([ElementA].self, forKey: .blocks)
                    case .zoneB: elementsB = try item.decode([ElementB].self, forKey: .blocks)
                    case .zoneC: elementsC = try item.decode([ElementC].self, forKey: .blocks)
                    case .zoneD: elementsD = try item.decode([ElementD].self, forKey: .blocks)

    Decoding the stuff is straightforward

    do {
        let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(Root.self, from: Data(jsonString.utf8))
    } catch {
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  2. the "zone" property is an array of Zone objects. so you can decode them like:

    enum Zone: Decodable {
        case a([ElementA])
        case b([ElementB])
        case c([ElementC])
        case d([ElementD])
        enum Name: String, Codable {
            case a = "zoneA"
            case b = "zoneB"
            case c = "zoneC"
            case d = "zoneD"
        enum RootKey: CodingKey {
            case name
            case blocks
        init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
            let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: RootKey.self)
            let zoneName = try container.decode(Name.self, forKey: .name)
            switch zoneName {
            case .a: try self = .a(container.decode([ElementA].self, forKey: .blocks))
            case .b: try self = .b(container.decode([ElementB].self, forKey: .blocks))
            case .c: try self = .c(container.decode([ElementC].self, forKey: .blocks))
            case .d: try self = .d(container.decode([ElementD].self, forKey: .blocks))

    Then you can filter out anything you like. For example you can pass in the array and get the result you asked in your question:

    struct Root {
        init(zones: [Zone]) {
            elementsA = zones.reduce([]) {
                guard case let .a(elements) = $1 else { return $0 }
                return $0 + elements
            elementsB = zones.reduce([]) {
                guard case let .b(elements) = $1 else { return $0 }
                return $0 + elements
            elementsC = zones.reduce([]) {
                guard case let .c(elements) = $1 else { return $0 }
                return $0 + elements
            elementsD = zones.reduce([]) {
                guard case let .d(elements) = $1 else { return $0 }
                return $0 + elements
        let elementsA: [ElementA]
        let elementsB: [ElementB]
        let elementsC: [ElementC]
        let elementsD: [ElementD]

    ✅ Benefits:

    1. Retain the original structure (array of zones)
    2. Handle repeating zones (if server sends more than just one for each zone)
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