Firebase Android library has Exclude annotation which allows to ignore a property when saving/retrieving object to and from database.
Is there a similar property wrapper for Swift FirebaseFirestoreSwift
As far as I can see DocumentId annotation has equivalent property wrapper in Swift library.
What is the best way to exclude property from database in Codable
object in Swift anyway?
I've created such wrapper. It makes code more concise. It indeed deals with
, and should work fine with Firebase Coder as good as with any other one (such as JSONEncoder/Decoder). Let me modestly present@CodableExcluded
is the default mechanism to fine-tune Codable’s mapping. If you’re interested in how Codable works in general, check out this excellent book: Flight School Guide to Swift Codable and this Hacking with Swift article: Codable cheat sheet – Hacking with Swift.The Firebase documentation has a comprehensive guide for using Codable with Firestore: Map Cloud Firestore data with Swift Codable, which talks about customising the mapping in this section:
If you find anything missing in this guide, please let us know so we can add it.