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What is the best way to filter two Struct Arrays to match by ID and added the information in a specific property.


Struct User {
    let id: Int
    let name: String
    var arts: [Article]?
Struct Article {
    let userId: Int
    let id: Int
    let title: String
    let body: String

I have an array with all Users and other array with all Post for all Users. I need to add into User Array all post by user ( == Article.userId)

I’m trying to do with this.

var art = [Article]()
var users = [User]()

self?.art.forEach({ art in
                guard let userId = self?.users.firstIndex(where: { $ == art.userId }) else {
                    print("Failed to find a Art by UserID")

The idea is added into User Struct all Articles corresponding by user



  1. class Article {
        let userId: Int
        let id: Int
        let title: String
        let body: String
    class User {
        let id: Int
        let name: String
        var arts: [Post]?

    I think the best possible way is to convert it to a dictionary. I think the below code is well explonary.

    var dict = [Int: [Article]]()
    var arts = [Article]()
    for art in arts {
      dict[art.userId, default: []].append(art)
    var users = [User]()
    for case let user in users {
       let articles = dict[]
       user.atrs = articles
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  2. I think your code was in the right direction. Try this approach (works for me):

    var arts = [Article(userId: 1, id: 1, title: "title1"),
                Article(userId: 6, id: 1, title: "title6")]
    var users = [User(id: 1, name: "user1"),
                 User(id: 2, name: "user2")]
    print("---> before users: n (users)")
    arts.forEach{ art in
        if let userNdx = users.firstIndex(where: { $ == art.userId }) {
            if let _ = users[userNdx].arts {} else {
                users[userNdx].arts = []
    print("n---> after users: n (users)")
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