I know this has been asked multiple times, and I spent already multiple days to have the exact code for that, but seems I am still far away and I need help.
I use the below code,
let total_bytes = Float(ProcessInfo.processInfo.physicalMemory)
let total_megabytes = total_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0
var usedMemory: Int64 = 0
var totalUsedMemoryInMB: Float = 0
var freeMemoryInMB: Float = 0
let hostPort: mach_port_t = mach_host_self()
var host_size: mach_msg_type_number_t = mach_msg_type_number_t(MemoryLayout<vm_statistics_data_t>.stride / MemoryLayout<integer_t>.stride)
var pagesize:vm_size_t = 0
host_page_size(hostPort, &pagesize)
var vmStat: vm_statistics = vm_statistics_data_t()
let capacity = MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: vmStat) / MemoryLayout<Int32>.stride
let status: kern_return_t = withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &vmStat) {
let boundPtr = $0.baseAddress?.bindMemory( to: Int32.self, capacity: capacity )
return host_statistics(hostPort, HOST_VM_INFO, boundPtr, &host_size)
if status == KERN_SUCCESS {
usedMemory = (Int64)((vm_size_t)(vmStat.active_count + vmStat.inactive_count + vmStat.wire_count) * pagesize)
totalUsedMemoryInMB = (Float)( usedMemory / 1024 / 1024 )
freeMemoryInMB = total_megabytes - totalUsedMemoryInMB
print("free memory: (freeMemoryInMB)")
And I got the below results (real devices)
free memory: 817.9844
Difference of about 150MB
free memory: 1384.2031
Difference of about 700MB
free memory: 830.9375
Difference of about 170MB
I also used the below variants, with even worst results
//usedMemory = (Int64)((vm_size_t)(vmStat.active_count + vmStat.inactive_count + vmStat.wire_count + vmStat.free_count) * pagesize)
//usedMemory = (Int64)((vm_size_t)(vmStat.active_count + vmStat.wire_count) * pagesize)
//usedMemory = (Int64)((vm_size_t)(vmStat.inactive_count + vmStat.wire_count) * pagesize)
//usedMemory = (Int64)((vm_size_t)(vmStat.active_count + vmStat.inactive_count ) * pagesize)
A difference of about 100 MB is ok, but really do not understand why it is function of the device and I am not sure how can I can have a reliable value.
If that is not possible the difference between the real and the one got by the code for each device will be consistant so that I can pad it to get the real value?
My app is using scenekit and is hangry of resources, need to remove details once I am exsausting the memory.
Any help is appreciated.
sorry for the delay forgot about this.
I got it resolved via support.
I hope this method will help you –