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I have a picker in my app that displays the currently picked option as its label. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to change the font used by the picker for its label and for displaying all the picker options. I would also like to put an icon in front of the text of the picker that’s part of the picker button but doesn’t change as the text does so that a user could click both the text and the icon for the picker to appear.

Here’s the code I am using for my picker:

var fylker = ["Norge", "Akershus", "Agder", "Buskerud", "Finnmark", "Innlandet", "Møre og Romsdal", "Nordland", "Oslo", "Østfold", "Rogaland", "Troms", "Trøndelag", "Vestfold og Telemark", "Vestland"]
Picker("Fylke", selection: $selectedFylke) {
                            ForEach(fylker, id: .self) {

I’ve already tried things like:

Picker("Fylke", selection: $selectedFylke) {
                            ForEach(fylker, id: .self) {
                                Text($0).font(.custom("Custom-Bold", size: 34))


Picker("Fylke", selection: $selectedFylke) {
                            ForEach(fylker, id: .self) {
                                HStack {
                                Image(systemName: "")

to no avail

Any ideas?



  1. from what i understand i think you could try to use a font modifier to add your custom font and add image inside HStack so they are beside each other like that

    import SwiftUI
    struct SwiftUIView: View {
    var fylker = ["Norge", "Akershus", "Agder", "Buskerud", "Finnmark", 
     "Innlandet", "Møre og Romsdal", "Nordland", "Oslo", "Østfold", 
     "Rogaland", "Troms", "Trøndelag", "Vestfold og Telemark", "Vestland"]
    @State var selectedFylke:String = ""
    var body: some View {
        Picker("Fylke", selection: $selectedFylke) {
            ForEach(fylker, id: .self) { I in
                    Text(I).font(Font.custom("Font-Family-Name", size: 16))
                    Image(systemName: "pencil")
        }.frame(width: 200, height: 60,
      struct SwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

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  2. also if you mean to add the image beside the picker so they seemed as a button picker you can do that

    import SwiftUI
    struct SwiftUIView: View {
    var fylker = ["Norge", "Akershus", "Agder", "Buskerud", "Finnmark", 
     "Innlandet", "Møre og Romsdal", "Nordland", "Oslo", "Østfold", 
      "Rogaland", "Troms", "Trøndelag", "Vestfold og Telemark", "Vestland"]
       @State var selectedFylke:String = ""
     var body: some View {
        Image(systemName: "pencil").foregroundColor(.white)
        Picker("search", selection: $selectedFylke) {
            ForEach(fylker, id: .self) {
                    Text($0).font(Font.custom("Font-Family-Name", size: 16))
        }.frame(width: 200, height: 60, alignment: 
    struct SwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

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  3. try this approach to set the font used by the Picker:

    struct ContentView: View {
        let fylker = ["Norge", "Akershus", "Agder", "Buskerud", "Finnmark",
                      "Innlandet", "Møre og Romsdal", "Nordland", "Oslo", "Østfold",
                      "Rogaland", "Troms", "Trøndelag", "Vestfold og Telemark", "Vestland"]
        @State var selectedFylke = ""
        var body: some View {
            Picker("Fylke", selection: $selectedFylke) {
                ForEach(fylker, id: .self) { item in
                    HStack {
                        Image(systemName: "")
                    .font(.custom("Custom-Bold", size: 34)) // for both the Text and the Image
            }.pickerStyle(.wheel) // <-- here

    This does not work with pickerStyle: automatic, menu and segmented

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