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I have a button that is supposed to add text from a TextField into a list, either when the button is pressed, or "return" is pressed on the on-screen keyboard, and then clear the TextField. When I press the button this all works flawlessly, however when I press "return" the item gets added onto the list but the TextField is never cleared. I do not understand why it does not get cleared, the same code is called when "return" is pressed as when the button is pressed.

TextField("Add Item", text: $newItem, onCommit: {
                    self.newItem = ""
                .padding(.horizontal, 10)
                .padding(.vertical, 6)

                Button(action: {
                    self.newItem = ""
                }) {
                    Image(systemName: "plus")

As you can see both the button and the onCommit use the same code

                    self.newItem = ""

However for some reason the self.newItem = "" only works when the button is pressed and not when "return" is pressed and onCommit is called.

I’ve looked up online how to clear text fields and as far as I am aware self.newItem = "" should be clearing the text field but it does not.



  1. You can add UIApplication.shared.endEditing() code in your Button:

    Button(action: {
                    self.newItem = ""
                   UIApplication.shared.endEditing() // Call to dismiss keyboard
                }) {
                    Image(systemName: "plus")

    and add this extension:

    // extension for keyboard to dismiss
    extension UIApplication {
        func endEditing() {
            sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: nil, from: nil, for: nil)

    I hope this will help you.

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  2. —- In SwiftUI —-

    We can use textField modifier ‘onCommit’, its action is set to clear the text by setting self.text to an empty string.

    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var text: String = ""
        var body: some View {
            TextField("Enter text here", text: $text) {
                 DispatchQueue.main.async {
                     self.text = ""

    —- In UIKit —-

    You need implement the textFieldShouldReturn method, which is called when the "return" key is pressed on the on-screen keyboard. In this method, we clear the text field by setting its text property to an empty string.

    class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
        // Set the text field's delegate to self
        yourTextField.delegate = self
    // UITextFieldDelegate method called when the "return" key is pressed
      func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
        // Clear the text field
        textField.text = ""
    // Hide the keyboard
          return true
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