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I am making a section with TextFields and Button("Continue") and then use .disable(isValidAddress) modifier to a whole section to disable the button. The code works well, but I am seeking any solution to make it more succinct with no need to write .hasPrefix() or .hasSuffix() to all parameters one by one.

var isValidAddress: Bool {
    if name.hasPrefix(" ") || street.hasPrefix(" ") || city.hasPrefix(" ") || country.hasPrefix(" ") {
        return false
    } else if name.hasSuffix(" ") || street.hasSuffix(" ") || city.hasSuffix(" ") || country.hasSuffix(" ") {
        return false
        return true



  1. var isValidAddress: Bool {
    [street, name, city, etc..].reduce(true, { result, text in
        if text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty {
            return false
        } else {
            return result


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  2. You can add them to an array and trim white space and check if empty in a loop

    func isValidAddress() -> Bool {
        for field in [name, street, city, country] {
            if field.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty { return false }
        return true 

    I used a function here but a computed property works just as well.

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  3. If you don’t mind moving some complexity into extensions, you can tidy up the call site. This makes it more readable, and less error prone – you can easily add in another field without mistakes for example.

     extension String {
        func hasPrefixOrSuffix(_ s: String) -> Bool {
            hasPrefix(s) || hasSuffix(s)
        var noSpacesAtEnds: Bool {
            !hasPrefixOrSuffix(" ")
    let isValid = [name, street, city, country]

    If you do mean none of them are "all whitespace strings" then:

    extension String {
        var isNotAllWhitespace: Bool {
            !trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty
    let isValid = [name, street, city, country]

    One benefit of having named functions for these things is you can test the pieces, so you can write a test to ensure that isNotAllWhitespace works the way you expect. You couldn’t if the logic like name.hasPrefix(" ") || street.hasPrefix(" ") is mixed in with your isValidAddress function.

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