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I want to mix two colors in SwiftUI code. For eg: Green and Black with opacity 20%. The final color should be a mix these two colors. Is there any method other than using ZStack to achieve the same?



  1. Since you are working in iOS, you can take advantage of the fact that a SwiftUI Color can be created from a UIColor.

    Using UIColor.blend from this answer you can create a blend of 2 UIColors by specifying the colors and the intensity (0.0 ... 1.0) for each. For example, to create a foreground color for Text that is 80% and 20%

    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            Text("Hello World!")
                .foregroundColor(Color(UIColor.blend(color1: .green, intensity1: 0.8, color2: .black, intensity2: 0.2)))

    Note: Just include the UIColor extension in any file in your project. It is a good practice to give extensions their own file(s), but you can include it in the same file as your View if you want.

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  2. Here’s a solution without using UIColor. It’s based on the blend extension in @vacawama’s answer.

    import SwiftUI
    extension Color {
        static func blend(color1: Color, intensity1: CGFloat = 0.5, color2: Color, intensity2: CGFloat = 0.5) -> Color {
            let total = intensity1 + intensity2
            let normalisedIntensity1 = intensity1/total
            let normalisedIntensity2 = intensity2/total
            guard normalisedIntensity1 > 0 else { return color2 }
            guard normalisedIntensity2 > 0 else { return color1 }
            let color1Components =!
            let color2Components =!
            let (r1, g1, b1, a1): (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) = (color1Components[0], color1Components[1], color1Components[2], color1Components[3])
            let (r2, g2, b2, a2): (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) = (color2Components[0], color2Components[1], color2Components[2], color2Components[3])
            return Color(red: normalisedIntensity1*r1 + normalisedIntensity2*r2,
                         green: normalisedIntensity1*g1 + normalisedIntensity2*g2,
                         blue: normalisedIntensity1*b1 + normalisedIntensity2*b2,
                         opacity: normalisedIntensity1*a1 + normalisedIntensity2*a2)
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