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I have been just learning Swift language and I am pretty new at this.

I am trying to create a table view with protoype cell containing a ImageView. I want "ImageView" make centered according to x Axis with "main storyoard". At first glance, everything is good until I open the simulator. After opening the simualator, I see that it was absoulutely not centered on x-axis. (I am sure that my simulator’s phone type and my storyboard’s phone type is true.)

Here, I want to center the imageView with code. But I can’t figure out where I should put the code.

I am trying to put this code if it is available. (I guess it should be.) If you have any suggestion to just relocate the x-axis of the imageview, I am totally open.

    let width = view.frame.size.width
    var frm: CGRect = imageView!.frame
    frm.origin.x = (width/2) - (frm.midX/2)
    frm.origin.y = frm.origin.y
    frm.size.width = frm.size.width
    frm.size.height = frm.size.height
    cell.imageView!.frame = frm

In order to put the code, I am 2 class types: "UITableViewCell" and "UIViewController" Which one and how should I put the code?

How should align the imageView inside of the that tableView?

I added all unfinished project to this link. This is not a serious project. Just a project serving to learners.

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Thank you.

Note: I can align the frame of imageView on storyboard easily. However, centering on x-axis doesn’t work in deed. When I run the simulator, I see the image left-aligned. I can fix the situation by inreasing the gap between left line and imageView. But that is not a proper way in order to solve the problem.

Storyboard view

simulator view

My constraints and output







  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I guess there is a bug here and I could not find a way to fix the situation. However, I deleted all constraits inside of the viewController and I coded the constraints like below.

    override func layoutSubviews() {
        let myWidth = contentView.frame.size.width - 90
        let myHeight = myWidth - 90
        UserEmailLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 30,
                                      y: 10,
                                      width: 200 ,
                                      height: 20)
        UserEmailLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.left
        imageView?.frame = CGRect(x: contentView.frame.size.width/2 - myWidth/2 ,
                                  y: UserEmailLabel.frame.maxY + 20,
                                       width: myWidth,
                                       height: myHeight)
        CommentLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 30,
                                    y: (imageView?.frame.maxY)!,
                                    width: myWidth - 30 ,
                                    height: contentView.frame.size.height/10)
        LikeLabel.frame = CGRect(x: myWidth + 20,
                                 y: CommentLabel.frame.maxY,
                                 width: 30,
                                 height: contentView.frame.size.height/10)
        LikeLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.right
        LikeLabel.textAlignment = .right
        LikeLabel.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 20)
        LikeButton.frame = CGRect(x: 45,
                                  y: CommentLabel.frame.maxY,
                                  width: 40,
                                  height: contentView.frame.size.height/10)

    Have a nice day.

  2. Since you are using auto layout, I don’t think you should try to fix it using frames.

    Fixing it with auto layout is what I recommend.

    Looking at your Storyboard image, it does not seem like you are setting the centerX and centerY constraints.

    Here is how you do it:

    Center constraints swift iOS Storboard

    Autolayout constraints UITableView center image in table view cell swift iOS

    On doing that, things should center properly:

    Center UITableViewCell image swift iOS storyboard auto layout constraints

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