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I have a Flutter app that calls an object detector in CoreML via the iOS platform channel. I would like to ensure the model is getting the image in the correct format by viewing it in a Flutter widget.

I have access to the CVPixelBuffer data. How do I send it back to Flutter and display it in a widget?



  1. Platform channels allow for two way communication. You’re already done with half the task.

    1. Flutter -> Native

    You must have already done this using something like

    await platform.invokeMethod('sendDataToIOS',{'data':data});
    1. Native -> Flutter

       platform.setMethodCallHandler((call) async {
        if (call.method == 'receiveDataFromiOS') {
         final Map<String, dynamic> arguments = call.arguments;
         final String data = arguments['data'];
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  2. import 'dart:ui' as ui;
    import 'package:flutter_vision/flutter_vision.dart';
    Future<ui.Image> convertPixelBufferToImage(CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer) async {
      // Convert the CVPixelBuffer to a Flutter image object.
      ui.Image image = await FlutterVision.imageFromPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer);
      return image;
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