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I have an internal class that adoptsUIScrollViewDelegate, but does not implement scrollViewWillEndDragging(_:withVelocity:targetContentOffset:). I want to add this method to the class using class_addMethod, but unfortunately run into a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when trying to assign a new value to targetContentOffset.

Here is my code:

func extendDelegate(scrollViewDelegte: UIScrollViewDelegate) {
   let block : @convention(block) (UIScrollView, CGPoint, UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) -> Void = { scrollView, velocity, targetContentOffset  in
      // EXC_BAD_ACCESS here. 
      // I can read the pointee and it does contain a valid CGPoint value, 
      // however assigning to it gives a crash.
      targetContentOffset.pointee = .zero

      type(of: scrollViewDelegte),

Any helps is greatly appreciated!



  1. From imp_implementationWithBlock‘s documentation:

    The signature of block should be method_return_type ^(id self, method_args ...)

    I think you are missing self in parameters.

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  2. Rather than generating your own IMP and type encoding, I’d suggest you let the compiler do it for you, by creating a method normally, and transplanting it over:

    import Foundation
    import ObjectiveC
    @objc class ScrollViewPatch: NSObject {
        @objc func scrollViewWillEndDragging(
            _ scrollView: UIScrollView,
            withVelocity velocity: CGPoint,
            targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>
        ) {
            targetContentOffset.pointee = .zero
    func extendDelegate(scrollViewDelegte: UIScrollViewDelegate) {
        let patchedMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(
            type(of: scrollViewDelegte),
            method_getTypeEncoding(patchedMethod) // Much more reliable than hard-coding "v@:@{CGPoint=dd}^{CGPoint=dd}"

    Here’s a simpler standalone proof-of-concept:

    import Foundation
    import ObjectiveC
    @objc class MethodSource: NSObject {
        @objc func myMethod(_ arg: NSString) {
            print("Called (#function) on (self) with "(arg)"")
    @objc class TargetClass: NSObject {
        // Doens't natively respond to `-myMethod`
    let targetObject = TargetClass()
    // The target object doesn't initially respond to `-myMethod`
    print(targetObject.responds(to: #selector(MethodSource.myMethod))) // false
    let patchedMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(
        type(of: targetObject),
    // Now it's true
    print(targetObject.responds(to: #selector(MethodSource.myMethod)))
    // Called myMethod(_:) on <main.TargetClass: 0x6000016b0040> with "some string"
    targetObject.perform(#selector(MethodSource.myMethod), with: "some string")
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