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From the apple document , I learned that the layoutPriority modifier changes the priority of views while laying them out. This means that the parent view’s proposed size is given to subviews with higher priority. After that, each subview takes the space it requires, and the remaining space is divided among other subviews with lower priority.

In grid view, i have text and progressview (kind of flexible view). By default,the text view occupies the proposed size it needs, as shown in the image.

Default grid behaviour

However, when I increase the layoutPriority of the ProgressView, the entire view expands to occupy more space. What is the reason for this increase in size?

Behaviour after layout priority

struct Grids: View {
    let data = [Entity(id: "1", type: "Dog", votes: 29),
                .init(id: "2", type: "GoldxxxxFish", votes: 6),
                .init(id: "3", type: "Cat", votes: 12)]
    var totalVotes : Int {
        data.reduce(0, {x,y in
            x + y.votes
    var body: some View {
        Grid(alignment: .leading){
            ForEach(data){pet in

                    ProgressView(value: Double(pet.votes), total: Double(totalVotes))

#Preview {

struct Entity:Identifiable{
    let id: String
    let type: String
    let votes : Int



  1. Obviously, this is expected behavior.

    Let’s make an example, set ProgressView height to 30 and leave the Text as it’s:

        .frame(height: 30)

    Since Grid will provide its size based on Rows. Each row’s width is Text + ProgressView, and each row’s height is whatever the larger height these content views were. In this scenario, without layoutPriority(1), the Row will take width as screen width (because the Grid was nested nowhere), and height as ProgressView, because it’s larger than Text. You can put a border for each view to see the frames.

    enter image description here

    According to documentation about layoutPriority(_:)

    A parent layout offers the child views with the highest layout priority all the space offered to the parent minus the minimum space required for all its lower-priority children.

    So, when you set up ProgressView with .layoutPriority(1), you’re saying that: let’s make progressView overwhelming and take all the width space. The row only had two views, and the Text had 0 priority by default, therefore the Text will be shrunk as much as possible until it reaches minimum space required for all its lower-priority children. On the other hand, Text has multiple lines, if the width shrinks, the height will expand, to fit the content inside.

    That’s why you saw the entire Grid height expand, because now this Grid taking the larger height, it’s the Text, whether you see it or not, the Text is still there. Try to set a minimum width and make multiple lines of content to test it out.

        .frame(minWidth: 50)

    enter image description here

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  2. You might use .padding() as well to accommodate with proper distance between each ProgressView.

    ProgressView(value: Double(pet.votes), total: Double(totalVotes)).padding()

    enter image description here



    enter image description here

    However the Spacer() will equally distribute abed on available size

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