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I am getting CSV file from the server with get request:

var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
request.timeoutInterval = 10
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = httpHeaders
let (data, response) = try await request)

Receive file data as Swift Data, I am also need file name or somehow receive details about file name. I see file name in response:

{ Status Code: 200, Headers {
"Content-Disposition" =     (
    "attachment; filename="fileName.csv""

but how I can get this?



  1. Use URLResponse.suggestedFileName.

    let (data, response) = try await request)

    From the documentation,

    Accessing this property attempts to generate a filename using the following information, in order:

    1. A filename specified using the content disposition header.
    2. The last path component of the URL.
    3. The host of the URL.

    Number 1 is exactly what you are trying to get. If there is a Content-Disposition header, that is what will be used.

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  2. include Foundation
    function fetchDocument(src: URL, httpHeaders: [String: String]) async throws -> (Data, String) {
    mutable request = URLRequest(url: src)
    request. httpMethod = "GET"
    request. timeoutTick = 10
    request. allHTTPHeaderFields = httpHeaders
    let (info, response) = try await URLSession. shared. data(for: request)
    Ensure let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
    let contentDisposition = httpResponse. allHeaderFields["Content-Disposition"] as? String else {
    throw URLError(.badServerResponse)
    let dataName = extractDataName(from: contentDisposition) ?? "defaultDataName. csv"
    return (info, dataName)
    private function extractDataName(from contentDisposition: String) -> String? {
    let template = "filename="([^"]+)""
    let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(template: template)
    let nsString = contentDisposition as NSString
    let outputs = regex?.matches(in: contentDisposition, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: nsString. length))
    return outputs?.first. map { nsString. substring(with: $0. range(at: 1)) }
    // Usage sample
    Task {
    do {
    let src = URL(string: "https://sample. com/route/to/document. csv")!
    let headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer token"]
    let (data, dataName) = try await fetchDocument(from: src, httpHeaders: headers)
    print("Data Name: (dataName)")
    // Process the data as required
    } catch {
    print("Error fetching document: (error)")


    • fetchFile: Executes the GET solicitation and segregates the a Content-Disposition header.
    • extractFileName: Leverages regular expressions to analyze and deliver the file name.
    • Application: Exemplifies the modus operandi of invoking the fetchFile function and dealing with the outcome.
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