I’m working on a Swift 6 project and need to manage a static variable that stores network responses. The current implementation isn’t concurrency-safe because multiple threads can access and modify the shared state, leading to race conditions. Previously this code worked on Swift 4.
extension NetworkRequestHandler {
// Basic static variable with concurrency issues
static private var cachedResponses: [NetworkResponse] = []
// Adding a response
static func addResponse(_ response: NetworkResponse) {
// Removing all responses
static func clearResponses() {
private extension NetworkRequestHandler {
// Helper function to retrieve the response for a specific request
static func response(for request: URLRequest) -> NetworkResponse? {
return cachedResponses.first { $0.url == request.url }
So basically the problem is in this part of code static private var cachedResponses: [NetworkResponse] = []
with error – Static property ‘cachedResponses’ is not concurrency-safe because it is nonisolated global shared mutable state
You could use an actor instead of that static property and add the actor as a property in your network type
Just make your files as an actor like below I do:
Or you can silent your warning by making your static variable unsafe, but make sure you use that static variable in thread safe manner.
Or mark your class or struct as @MainActor