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From background thread, when UI needs to be updated, it needs to post to DispatchQueue.main using the async(execute:) function, as shown below:

static func executeInUIThread(_ uiThreadFunc: @escaping (Any?) -> Void, _ parms: Any?) {
  DispatchQueue.main.async {
    // Update UI 

It is possible to access uiThreadFunc and parms inside the closure because closures capture variables from their ‘surrounding context’.

But let’s say, I don’t like the lambda-style (called closures in swift) of programming. How can I do this without closures?

I attempted the following:

static func executeInUIThread(_ uiThreadFunc: @escaping (Any?) -> Void, _ parms: Any?) {
  let workItem = DispatchWorkItem(block: EventLoopMgr.InternalExecuteInUIThread)

  DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: workItem)

private static func InternalExecuteInUIThread() {
  // How to execute the uiThreadfunc? This block doesn't take any parameters.

It doesn’t work because, the block when initialising the DispatchWorkItem takes no parameters. Therefore, I can’t pass uiThreadFunc and parms to this block.

I can store the uiThreadFunc and parms as static variables, but then it needs to be made multi-thread friendly.

Any easier way to execute in UIThread using DispatchQueue.main but without using closures?



  1. Will this be helpful for you?

    test to trigger it and updateView is one example of your uiThreadFunc

    func test() {
        let aFunc = #selector(updateView)
        let success = executeInUIThread(caller: self, uiThreadFunc: aFunc, "xxx")
    func executeInUIThread(caller: NSObject, uiThreadFunc: Selector, _ parms: Any?) -> Bool {
        if caller.responds(to: uiThreadFunc) {
            caller.performSelector(onMainThread: uiThreadFunc, with: parms, waitUntilDone: false)
            return true
        } else {
            return false
    @objc func updateView(param: String) { }

    For more Info, please
    have a check GCD vs performSelector

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  2. In the project I’m working on, it’s a convention not to have anonymous blocks of code in the middle of the function. It doesn’t depict the natural flow of execution

    Okay, so you can make this not anonymous:

    // I made this generic for you :)
    func executeInUIThread<T>(_ uiThreadFunc: @escaping (T) -> Void, _ parms: T) {
        func helper() {
        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: helper)

    Here I gave the name helper to the block of code that will be run on the main queue.

    Technically, a local function still counts as a closure according to the Swift Guide, but if all you want to avoid is an "anonymous" block of code, using a local function definitely achieves that.

    If the local function is too much noise, you can move it out of executeInUIThread like this:

    func partiallyApply<T>(_ arg: T, to function: (T) -> Void) -> () -> Void {
        func helper() { function(arg) }
        return helper

    Then you can just do:

    DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: partiallyApply(parms, to: uiThreadFunc))

    which arguably is more readable. You

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