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For some fields other than messageType "IN" condition works fine.
Also .reverse option does not seem to make any difference at least on iOS.
Here is quick sample to check:

public extension Logger {
    static let appSubsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
    static func fetch(since date: Date) async throws -> [String] {
        let store = try OSLogStore(scope: .currentProcessIdentifier)
        let position = store.position(date: date)
        // This does NOT work.
        // let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(subsystem == %@) && (messageType IN %@)", Logger.appSubsystem, ["error", "fault"])
        // This, however, works.
        let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(subsystem IN %@) && (messageType == %@)", [Logger.appSubsystem], "error")
        let entries = try store.getEntries(/* with: [.reverse], */ at: position,
                                           matching: predicate)
        var logs: [String] = []
        for entry in entries {
            try Task.checkCancellation()
            if let log = entry as? OSLogEntryLog {
            } else {
                logs.append("( (entry.composedMessage)n")
        if logs.isEmpty { logs = ["Nothing found"] }
        return logs

// This extension  is for sample purposes only
extension OSLogEntryLog.Level: @retroactive CustomStringConvertible {
    public var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .undefined: "undefined"
        case .debug: "debug"
        case .info: "info"
        case .notice: "notice"
        case .error: "error"
        case .fault: "fault"
        @unknown default: "default"

extension OSLogEntryLog.Level: @retroactive Identifiable {
    public var id: Int {

Here is small SwiftUI screen to assist in reproducing the issue

import SwiftUI
import OSLog

struct LogView: View {
    @State private var text = "Loading..."
    @State private var task: Task<(), Error>?
    @State private var isLoading = false
    @State private var selectedLogLevel: OSLogEntryLog.Level = .undefined
    private let logLevels: [OSLogEntryLog.Level] = [.undefined, .debug, .info, .notice, .error, .fault]
    let logger = Logger(subsystem: Logger.appSubsystem, category: "main")
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack {
                Button(isLoading ? "Cancel" : "Refresh") {
                    if isLoading {
                    } else {
                        task = Task {
                            text = await fetchLogs()
                            isLoading = false
                    .opacity(isLoading ? 1 : 0)
                Picker(selection: $selectedLogLevel, label: Text("Choose Log Level")) {
                    ForEach(logLevels) { logLevel in
                Button("Log") {
                    logMessage(selectedLogLevel: selectedLogLevel)
            ScrollView {
        .onAppear {
            isLoading = true
            task = Task {
                text = await fetchLogs()
                isLoading = false

private extension LogView {
    func fetchLogs() async -> String {
        let calendar = Calendar.current
        guard let hourAgo = .hour,
                                          value: -1, to: else {
            return "Invalid calendar"
        do {
            let logs = try await Logger.fetch(since: hourAgo)
            return logs.joined()
        } catch {
            return error.localizedDescription
    func logMessage(selectedLogLevel: OSLogEntryLog.Level) {
        switch(selectedLogLevel) {
        case .undefined:
            logger.log("Default log message")
        case .debug:
            logger.debug("Debug log message")
        case .info:
  "Info log message")
            //                case .warning:
            //                    logger.warning("Warning log message")
        case .notice:
            logger.notice("Notice log message")
        case .error:
            logger.error("Error log message")
        case .fault:
            logger.fault("Fault log message")
        @unknown default:
            logger.log("Default log message")



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    This finally worked for me to query only certain levels of messages. If one replaces the code that builds predicate

    let predicate = NSPredicate(format:...

    with this one

                let subsystemPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "subsystem == %@", appSubsystem)            
                var messageTypePredicate = NSCompoundPredicate({ NSPredicate(format: "messageType == %@", $0.description)})
                messageTypePredicate = NSCompoundPredicate(orPredicateWithSubpredicates: [messageTypePredicate, NSPredicate(format: "messageType == nil")])
                let predicate = NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates:  [messageTypePredicate, subsystemPredicate])

    the provided minimal reproducible sample should work as expected.

    The other way to make in work is to explicitly build a string fro a predicate that would "OR" enumerate all the messageTypes, like this (but its ugly):

     let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(subsystem == %@) && ((messageType == error) OR (messageType == fault))")

  2. You can use an NSCompoundPredicate to combine the predicates:

    let subsystemPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "subsystem IN %@", [Logger.appSubsystem])
    let messageTypePredicate = NSPredicate(format: "messageType == %@", "error")
    let predicate = NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates: [
        subsystemPredicate, messageTypePredicate
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