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I am trying to align an image with a textbox in a Swift application.
How do I get this to look correct?

This is the version of code I have that is funky. I’ve tried a lot of things and I need help, please.

ForEach(listing.items, id: .self) { i in
                VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 6) {
                            ZStack {
                                Text("$ (i.priceOfItem)")
                            alignment: .bottomTrailing)
                        Text("Description: (i.itemDescription)")
                        .frame(width: .infinity, alignment: .topLeading).padding(8)

enter image description here

I am aiming for the alignment on the left, but when the code renders within another view there’s a weird white space.



  1. Did you checked if maybe the image itself has a white space?

    VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 6) {
            Image(systemName: "folder.fill")
                .overlay(alignment: .bottomTrailing) {
                    Text(1300.75, format: .currency(code: "USD"))
                        .padding([.trailing, .bottom], 20)
                .border(, width: 1) // This border shows if the image is actually as big as you want it to be
            Text("Description: A large black folder")
                .frame(alignment: .topLeading).padding(8)
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  2. If you want the images to fill the full width then you could use ViewThatFits to choose between scaled-to-fill and scaled-to-fit:

    • when an image has an aspect ratio taller that is than the screen, it is scaled to fill
    • otherwise, when an image has an aspect ratio that is wider than the screen, it is scaled to fit.
    ViewThatFits(in: .horizontal) {
        let itemImage = Image(i.itemImageUrl)

    You might also want to wrap the ForEach with a ScrollView.

    Your example code is using a deprecated version of the .overlay modifier. The modifiers .foregroundColor and .cornerRadius are also deprecated, use .foregroundStyle and .clipShape instead. And… you don’t need to nest the Text inside a ZStack. So I would suggest changing the overlay to the following:

    .overlay(alignment: .bottomTrailing) {
        Text("$ (i.priceOfItem)")
            .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12))

    That just leaves the labels below the images. You might have noticed, your existing code was giving errors in the console:

    Invalid frame dimension (negative or non-finite).

    This is because, .infinity is not valid as a width. However, it is valid as maxWidth, this is the only change needed here:

    Here is the fully-updated example:

    ScrollView {
        ForEach(listing.items, id: .self) { i in
            VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 6) {
                ViewThatFits(in: .horizontal) {
                    let itemImage = Image(i.itemImageUrl)
                .overlay(alignment: .bottomTrailing) {
                    Text("$ (i.priceOfItem)")
                        .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12))
                Text("Description: (i.itemDescription)")
                    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .topLeading)


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