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Requiring some assistance for acquiring a value in json. I want to access the radioButton object and access the description value (e.g Other Products from Competitors have better product) to assign to tileView.title as shown below:

 for viewContent in viewModel.contents {
            switch viewContent {
            case let .radioButtonGroup(radioButtonGroupModel):
                for i in 0..<radioButtonGroupModel.options.count {
                    let tileView = TileRadio()
                    tileView.title = radioButtonGroupModel.options...

Printing this print(radioButtonGroupModel.options[i]) gets:

radioButton(RadioButtonModel(description: "Other Products from Competitors have better product", identifier: "competitorReason"))

Here’s the codebase for json decoder:

enum ComponentModel: Decodable {

    case radioButtonGroup(RadioButtonGroupModel)
    case radioButton(RadioButtonModel)
    case emptyComponent

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case radioButtonGroup
        case radioButton

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        do {
            switch container.allKeys.first {

            case .radioButtonGroup:
                let value = try container.decode(RadioButtonGroupModel.self, forKey: .radioButtonGroup)
                self = .radioButtonGroup(value)
            case .radioButton:
                let value = try container.decode(RadioButtonModel.self, forKey: .radioButton)
                self = .radioButton(value)
            case .none:
                self = .emptyComponent
        } catch {
            self = .emptyComponent

struct RadioButtonGroupModel: Decodable {
    let options: [ComponentModel]

struct RadioButtonModel: Decodable {
    let description: String
    let identifier: String

Here’s the partial JSON file:

"closureReasons": {
        "pageTitle": "Close account",
        "content": [
                "heading": {
                    "title": "Why are you closing this account?"
                "spacing": ".spacing3x"
                "radioButtonGroup": {
                    "options": [
                            "radioButton": {
                                "identifier": "competitorReason",
                                "description": "Other Products from Competitors have better product"
                            "radioButton": {
                                "identifier": "betterReason",
                                "description": "I found a better product"

Any idea on how to retrieve radioButton attributes? Thank you kindly for your help



  1. for loops can also pattern match with case let:

    for case let .radioButton(radioButtonModel) in radioButtonGroupModel.options {

    This loops through all the ComponentModels in options that are .radioButtons.

    Or if you need the index for some reason:

    for case let (i, .radioButton(radioButtonModel)) in radioButtonGroupModel.options.enumerated() {
        print(i, radioButtonModel.description)

    That said, if RadioButtonGroupModel.options can only contain the .radioButton case, I’d suggest changing its type to [RadioButtonModel] instead, and add some custom decoding logic to decode it:

    struct RadioButtonGroupModel: Decodable {
        let options: [RadioButtonModel]
        enum OptionsCodingKey: String, CodingKey {
            case options
        enum RadioButtonCodingKey: String, CodingKey {
            case radioButton
        init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
            var container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: OptionsCodingKey.self)
            var arrayContainer = try container.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .options)
            var options = [RadioButtonModel]()
            while !arrayContainer.isAtEnd {
                var radioButtonContainer = try arrayContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: RadioButtonCodingKey.self)
                if let model = radioButtonContainer.decodeIfPresent(RadioButtonModel.self, forKey: .radioButton) {
            self.options = options
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  2. First you’ll need to filter the objects so that they all share the same pattern is bound for each of the enumerated options.


    switch viewContent.filter {if case ComponentModel. emptyComponent = $0 {return false}; return true} {

    or you could use if let like so:

    if case ComponentModel.radioButtonGroup(let RBGMContent) = radioButtonGroupModel.options[i] {
    } else if case ComponentModel.radioButtonGroup(let RBMContent) = radioButtonGroupModel.options[i] {
    } else { 
        //this is ComponentModel.emptyComponent

    That being said I would probably use a struct instead of an enum for this, but that’s completely up to you.

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