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why view inside closure not returning the type of UILabel?

If any other solution is there please do let me know.

extension UIView {
     public func apply( _ action: ((_ view: Self) -> Void)?) {

let label = UILabel()
label.apply { view in }




  1. The Self points to the actual type and the actual type inside the UIView extension is the UIView itself!

    What you are looking for is when you use Self inside a protocol definition which then points to the conforming entity’s type.

    To achieve what you are looking for, you need to use a protocol instead, like this:

    protocol Applicable: AnyObject {
        associatedtype S = Self where S: Applicable
        func apply( _ action: ((_ view: S) -> Void)?)
    extension Applicable {
        func apply( _ action: ((_ view: Self) -> Void)?) { action?(self) }
    extension UIView: Applicable { }



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  2. The self inside a closure of a function doesn’t inherently return the type of an extension because closures capture values and context at the time of their creation, not their extension or type information.

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