How to implement navigation controller to look like in the screenshots below in UIKit?
By default
When user scrolls
Generalizing, I need to have large title, small label above large title and button with image
How to implement navigation controller to look like in the screenshots below in UIKit?
By default
When user scrolls
Generalizing, I need to have large title, small label above large title and button with image
Did you tried this?
This works for me:
you can create your header that you want on as a swift file and .XIB file like:
after that you must use it in Your ViewController that contain a TableView:
and call this function "setupStretchyHeaderView()" on viewDidLoad life cycle
after that, you must work on "scrollViewDidScroll"
my need in code was like the below code:
Not that the nameOfClass and fixInView methods are extensions