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Sorry guys, I’m new here and I’m learning iOS developing from scratch.

I know that in order to find the largest value in an array of Int, we can use the propertie ".max()". But I need to do this using a for-in loop. Would someone please help me? I know it’s so easy, but I can’t find it and can’t find out how to do it on my own as well. Thanks.



  1. Well the complexity of array.max() of Swift is O(N) just like the for-in loop.

    There are two ways to for-in in Swift.

    First solution (for-in here like for each value)

    let arr = [1, 4, 3]
    var max = Int.min
    // get each value
    for val in arr {
        if (max < val) {
            max = val

    Second solution (for-in here is for each index)

    let arr = [1, 4, 3]
    var max = Int.min
    // get each index
    for i in 0..<arr.count {
        if (max < arr[i]) {
            max = arr[i]

    Two ways have the same output. Feel free when choosing which to use in your further code.

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  2. If your array is empty, then returning Int.min as the maximum value is not correct.

    Returning an optional is more correct:

    var max: Int? = nil
    for val in arr {
        guard let maxSoFar = max else {
            max = val
        if val > maxSoFar {
            max = val

    Though you might prefer to write it as an extension to Collection, like:

    extension Collection where Element: Comparable {
        func mMax() -> Element? {
            var max: Element? = nil
            // get each value
            for val in self {
                guard let maxSoFar = max else {
                    max = val
                if val > maxSoFar {
                    max = val
            return max
    [1, 2, 3].mMax() // 3
    ([] as [Int]).mMax() // nil
    ["a", "c", "b"].mMax() // "c"

    Or perhaps more generally, so it’s not tied to the ‘>’ function, like:

    extension Collection {
        func mMax(by compare: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Element? {
            var max: Element? = nil
            // get each value
            for val in self {
                guard let maxSoFar = max else {
                    max = val
                if compare(val, maxSoFar) {
                    max = val
            return max
    [1, 2, 3].mMax(by: >) // 3
    ([] as [Int]).mMax(by: >) // nil
    let longestString = ["aaa", "a", "aaaaa"].mMax(by: { $0.count > $1.count })  /// "aaaaa"
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