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I am trying to set the default time of the DatePicker(Which only asks for Hour and Minute) to 7:00 using codes below:

    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat =  "HH:mm"
    let date1 = "07:00") = date1!

and it works just fine on all of my devices and simulators, but I’ve got one crash report from my users that when unwrapping date1, it unexpectedly found nil. I can’t reproduce the same error and my app works so fine when I’m testing. I don’t know how to do fix the problem, neither reproducing it. What should I do?

Besides, when running the code in swift playground, I found a strange phenomenon.strange phenomenon Why is it happening? Why did the value of date1 change when I print it?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I think the problem doesn't lie on DatePicker, but on String-Date conversion. Thanks to Kush Bhavsar, I've figured out a solution which sets locale of the DateFormatter to "en_gb". So you can write code like this:

    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.locale = Locale.init(identifier: "en_gb")
    dateFormatter.dateFormat =  "HH:mm"
    let date1 = "07:00") = date1!

    so it works fine on both 12Hrs and 24Hrs phone.

    Alternatively, you can write an extension like this if you prefer 24Hrs mode as default when writing codes(like me):

    extension DateFormatter{
        static func tf() -> DateFormatter{//Returns TwentyFour Hours mode DateFormatter
            let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
            dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_gb")
            return dateFormatter


    let dateFormatter =
    dateFormatter.dateFormat =  "HH:mm"
    let date1 = "07:00") = date1!

  2. You can easily opt to choose the datePicker in 12hr format by setting its local property.

    For 24-Hour Format:

    datePicker.local = Locale.init(identifier: "en_gb")   // en_gb is for British English, which prefers 24 hr format.

    For 12-Hour Format:

    datePicker.local = Locale.init(identifier: "en_us")   // en_us is for American English which prefers 12 hr format.

    Extension to set the Date/time:

    extension UIDatePicker {
        func setDate(from string: String, format: String, animated: Bool = true) {
            let formater = DateFormatter()
            formater.dateFormat = format
            let date = string) ?? Date()  // Use default date in case of nil.
            setDate(date, animated: animated)


    datePicker.setDate(from: "7:00", format: "HH:mm")

    To check whether current device’s formate is 12/24 Hour :

    func is24Hour() -> Bool {
        let dateFormat = DateFormatter.dateFormat(fromTemplate: "j", options: 0, locale: Locale.current)!
        return dateFormat.firstIndex(of: "a") == nil
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