I have an issue with the coding for my app, where I want to be able to scan a QR and bring it to the next page through navigation link. Right now I am able to scan a QR code and get a link but that is not a necessary function for me. Below I attached my code and got the issue "Argument passed to call that takes no arguments", any advice or help would be appreciated 🙂
struct QRCodeScannerExampleView: View {
@State private var isPresentingScanner = false
@State private var scannedCode: String?
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 10) {
if let code = scannedCode {
//error below
NavigationLink("Next page", destination: PageThree(scannedCode: code), isActive: .constant(true)).hidden()
Button("Scan Code") {
isPresentingScanner = true
Text("Scan a QR code to begin")
.sheet(isPresented: $isPresentingScanner) {
CodeScannerView(codeTypes: [.qr]) { response in
if case let .success(result) = response {
scannedCode = result.string
isPresentingScanner = false
Page Three Code
import SwiftUI
struct PageThree: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, World!")
struct PageThree_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
You forgot property:
You create your
View in two ways, One withscannedCode
as a parameter, one with no params.Meanwhile, you defined your view with no initialize parameters
For your current definition, you only can use
to create your view. If you want to pass value while initializing, change your view implementation and consistently using one kind of initializing method.or
This is basic OOP, consider to learn it well before jump-in to development.