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How do I pass a bindable object into a view inside a ForEach loop?

Minimum reproducible code below.

class Person: Identifiable, ObservableObject {
    let id: UUID = UUID()
    @Published var healthy: Bool = true

class GroupOfPeople {
    let people: [Person] = [Person(), Person(), Person()]

public struct GroupListView: View {
    //MARK: Environment and StateObject properties
    //MARK: State and Binding properties
    //MARK: Other properties
    let group: GroupOfPeople = GroupOfPeople()
    //MARK: Body
    public var body: some View {
        ForEach(group.people) { person in
            //ERROR: Cannot find '$person' in scope
            PersonView(person: $person)
    //MARK: Init

public struct PersonView: View {
    //MARK: Environment and StateObject properties
    //MARK: State and Binding properties
    @Binding var person: Person
    //MARK: Other properties
    //MARK: Body
    public var body: some View {
        switch person.healthy {
        case true:
        case false:
            Text("Not Healthy")
    //MARK: Init
    init(person: Binding<Person>) {
        self._person = person

The error I get is Cannot find '$person' in scope. I understand that the @Binding part of the variable is not in scope while the ForEach loop is executing. I’m looking for advice on a different pattern to accomplish @Binding objects to views in a List in SwiftUI.



  1. The SwiftUI way would be something like this:

    // struct instead of class
    struct Person: Identifiable {
        let id: UUID = UUID()
        var healthy: Bool = true
    // class publishing an array of Person
    class GroupOfPeople: ObservableObject {
        @Published var people: [Person] = [
            Person(), Person(), Person()
    struct GroupListView: View {
        // instantiating the class
        @StateObject var group: GroupOfPeople = GroupOfPeople()
        var body: some View {
            List {
                // now you can use the $ init of ForEach
                ForEach($group.people) { $person in
                    PersonView(person: $person)
    struct PersonView: View {
        @Binding var person: Person
        var body: some View {
            HStack {
                // ternary instead of switch
                Text(person.healthy ? "Healthy" : "Not Healthy")
                // Button to change, so Binding makes some sense :)
                Button("change") {
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  2. You don’t need Binding. You need ObservedObject.

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  3. for anyone still wondering… it looks like this has been added

    .onContinuousHover(perform: { phase in
        switch phase {
        case .active(let location):
        case .ended:
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