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I have a parent view which contains two child views. Each child view gets passed a different EnvironmentObject from the parent view. As a representation for all kinds of different changes, the second child view contains a Button which can be used to call a function in its ViewModel which then is supposed to change a variable in the ViewModel of the first child view.

struct ParentView: View {
   @StateObject var viewModel_1: ViewModel_1
   @StateObject var viewModel_2: ViewModel_2

   var body: some View {
       ZStack {

struct ChildView_1: View {
   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel_1: ViewModel_1

   var body: some View {

struct ChildView_2: View {
   @EnvironmentObject var viewModel_2: ViewModel_2

   var body: some View {
       Button(action: {
          viewModel_2.changeValue_in_ViewModel_1(value: 1)
       }, label: {
          Text("Tap to change value")

class ViewModel_1: ObservableObject {
   @Published var someValue: Int = 0

   func changeValue(value: Int) -> Void {
      self.someValue = value

class ViewModel_2: ObservableObject {
   func changeValue_in_ViewModel_1(value: Int) -> Void {
       //something like viewModel_2.changeValue(value: value)

Is there a way to make those two ViewModels able to communicate with each other?



  1. It would be solved simply by ViewModel_2 referencing ViewModel_1.

    However, it is not necessary to refer to all ViewModel_1, so you can separate only the desired logic using protocol and let ViewModel_2 own it.

    This is the sample code for the above explanation.

    Searching for dependency injection can yield a lot of information about it.

    struct ParentView: View {
        @StateObject var viewModel_1: ViewModel_1
        @StateObject var viewModel_2: ViewModel_2
        init() {
            let viewModel_1 = ViewModel_1()
            _viewModel_1 = StateObject(wrappedValue: viewModel_1)
            _viewModel_2 = StateObject(wrappedValue: ViewModel_2(changeValue: viewModel_1 as! ChangeValue))
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
    struct ChildView_1: View {
        @EnvironmentObject var viewModel_1: ViewModel_1
        var body: some View {
    struct ChildView_2: View {
        @EnvironmentObject var viewModel_2: ViewModel_2
        @State var count: Int = 0
        var body: some View {
            Button(action: {
                count = count + 1
                viewModel_2.changeValue_in_ViewModel_1(value: count)
            }, label: {
                Text("Tap to change value")
    protocol ChangeValue {
        func changeValue(value: Int)
    class ViewModel_1: ObservableObject, ChangeValue {
        @Published var someValue: Int = 0
        func changeValue(value: Int) -> Void {
            self.someValue = value
    class ViewModel_2: ObservableObject {
        private let changeValue: ChangeValue
        init (changeValue: ChangeValue) {
            self.changeValue = changeValue
        func changeValue_in_ViewModel_1(value: Int) -> Void {
            //something like viewModel_2.changeValue(value: value)
            changeValue.changeValue(value: value)
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  2. We don’t actually use view model objects in SwiftUI. The View struct is a view model already, being a value type it’s more efficient and less error prone than an object but the property wrappers make it behave like an object, SwiftUI diffs the View struct and it creates/updates actual UIView/NSViews on screen for us. If you use actual view model objects you’ll get bugs and face the problems that you are experiencing.

    You can group related @State vars into their own struct and use mutating func for logic. That way it can be tested independently but the best thing is any chance to a property of the struct is detected by SwiftUI as a change to the whole struct which makes its dependency tracking super fast.

    environmentObject is designed to hold a store object that contains the model structs (usually in arrays) in @Published properties. There isn’t usually more than one environmentObject. This object is usually responsible for persisting or syncing the model data.

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