I have the following code:
import SwiftUI
struct EntryHeaderIconView: View {
private let backgroundSize: Double = 88
private let color: Color
private let initials: String
init(color: Color,
initials: String = "") {
self.color = color
self.initials = initials
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .center) {
// .frame(width: backgroundSize,
// height: backgroundSize)
// Uncommenting this fixes the issue, but the text now clips
private var icon: some View {
Text(verbatim: initials)
.font(.system(size: 48, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
EntryHeaderIconView(color: .red,
initials: "RT")
EntryHeaderIconView(color: .green,
initials: "LV")
EntryHeaderIconView(color: .red,
initials: "中国")
My goal is to have the Circle
element to fit perfectly around the Text
element. However, it either continues growing in the VStack
, so that it occupies as much space as possible and looks like this (sizing lines commented out):
Or, if I set a fixed size to the Circle
, the content gets clipped:
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .center) {
.frame(width: backgroundSize,
height: backgroundSize)
// Uncommenting this fixes the issue, but the text now clips
My goal is to make the Circle
size dependent on the Text
size, so that it grows (or shrinks) together with it.
Pretty easy to make with AutoLayout, how to achieve the same with SwiftUI?
takes up as much space as its child views need. You aren’t providing an explicitframe
to theCircle
, so how could SwiftUI know that theCircle
‘s size should match that of theicon
?Instead, you should add the
as abackground
to youricon
, after applying somepadding
to theicon
.You need to apply a padding to the text and then show a background in the shape of a circle.
Here’s how you can achieve that:
I am going to post this as it is a different take on the other two answers, which are simpler and do work. This is a bit more flexible in handling different sizes, but still making them look consistent. This uses a PreferenceKey to read the size of the initials and restrict the circle to a certain size as a result.
Unless the icon is a SF Symbol, it will have to be handled differently. However, I have updated the code to add a
constant and changedbackgroundSize
to be a computed variable. This view is not set up to handle an image, but you would simply need to determine how you wanted to constrain the image, or do something like this.