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After updating Xcode 14.0 when I try to distribute application as adhoc or developer, from the Xcode organizer I get the Error like

"The operation couldn’t be completed. (AppThinning.StubError error 1.)"
enter image description here

But when I select upload application on the app store or try to export app for the app store its working fine and upload app on the app store.

Please suggest me what the issue this and if any know the solution then please guide.



  1. Disabling bitcode worked for me. This is probably with an internal change apple made for ad-hoc builds or an error. I hope it’s the latter.

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  2. Hi These Error may occur due to low storage space remaining on your MacBook. Free Some storage space and try again.

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  3. In my case, starting Xcode with Rosetta let me do the Ad-Hoc distribution

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  4. This was broken for me on Xcode 14.0.1 but seems to be working on Xcode 14.1. I’m not sure if it’s random luck, or actually fixed, as it’s not mentioned in the release notes that I could find.

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  5. In my case,
    (Maybe install older version XCode 13.4.1 is not needed.)
    I install older version XCode 13.4.1, and distribute application as adhoc again,
    then still show "The operation couldn’t be completed. (AppThinning.StubError error 1.)", I Click Show Logs, it will open logs folder.
    Open IDEDistribution.standard.log file,
    then I saw the error:
    `require’: cannot load such file — sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError)

    So I search keyword and find this article.

    I try these SUDO Command:

    gem uninstall sqlite3 –all

    ridk exec pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-sqlite3

    gem inst sqlite3 –platform ruby

    Then distribute application as adhoc again, distribute Successful!
    Now you can back to XCode 14.1, and work fine again.

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  6. I have fixed the issue by running sudo gem install sqlite3

    You may need to restart your computer after the installation

    The reason is because of this line in the IDEDistribution.verbose.log file

    /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:130:in require': cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native (LoadError)

    It may be happening because you installed another version of ruby, causing sqlite3 to be missing

    More info here

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  7. Removing Xcode and reinstalling it again worked for me.

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  8. You can use this trick:

    After press next button

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    before having the error:

    I pressed repeatedly Enter(Return) button on the keyboard and It passes the error.

    I could have an ad-hoc IPA

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  9. I installed sqlite3, and set to use system default.

    $ sudo gem install sqlite3
    $ rvm use system --default

    I referenced below.

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