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I have a tableview which shows a custom cell.
Inside the cell is a button.

Once the button is clicked, a network call is made and the tableview should reload.

I tried this, but I get Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value at vc.reloadData().

  @IBAction func acceptRequestPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        DatabaseManager.shared.AnswerFriendRequest(emailFriend: friendNameLabel.text!, answer: true) { success in
            if success {
                let vc = FriendRequestViewController()
            }else {
                print ("error at answer")



  1. The problem is this line:

    let vc = FriendRequestViewController()

    After that, vc is the wrong view controller — it is just some view controller living off emptily in thoughtspace, whereas the view controller you want is the already existing view controller that’s already in the view controller hierarchy (the "interface").

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  2. Few pointers:

    1. You can have a closure upon the data call completion in your class that has the table view.

      // Custom Table Cell Class
      class CustomCellClass: UITableViewCell {

       let button = UIButton()
       // All other UI set up
       // Create a closure that your tableView class can use to set the logic for reloading the tableView
       public let buttonCompletion: () -> ()
       @IBAction func acceptRequestPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
           DatabaseManager.shared.AnswerFriendRequest(emailFriend: friendNameLabel.text!, answer: true) { [weak self] success in
               if success {
                   // Whatever logic is provided in cellForRow will be executed here. That is, tableView.reloadData() 
               }else {
                   print ("error at answer")


    // Class that has tableView:

    class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
        private let tableView = UITableView()
        // All other set up, delegate, data source
        func cellForRow(..) {
           let cell = tableView.dequeueTableViewCell(for: "Cell") as! CustomCellClass
            cell.buttonCompletion = {[weak self] in
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