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I’ve learned javascript async/await before learning promise.then() syntax, and I am now attempting to go back and learn promise.then().

I currently have the following code

let getDatabaseData = async () => {
    let res1 = await dbQuery()
    let res2 = await dbQuery2(res1)
    return res1 + res2

let dbData = await getDatabaseData()

I want to translate this to promises, and have done so below

let getDatabaseData = () => {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        dbQuery().then(res1 => {
            dbQuery2(res1).then(res2 => {
                resolve(res1 + res2)

getDatabaseData().then(dbData => {

Is this the most effective way to do so? I was looking into promise chaining, but it doesn’t exactly get me what I want because I want getDatabaseData to act as a helper method to combine the results from dbQuery and dbQuery2



  1. Your code most directly translates (to me) to:

    let getDatabaseData = () => {
        // we can store intermediate values in the closure if we want
        let val1;
        return dbQuery().then(val => {
            val1 = val;
            return dbQuery2(val);
        }).then(val2 => val1 + val2)
    getDatabaseData().then((data) => console.log(data))

    Another option without using the enclosing fn’s scope could look like this:

    let getDatabaseData = () => dbQuery()
          // here, we use Promise.all to proxy values forward
          // in the resultant promise
          .then(val => Promise.all([val, dbQuery2(val)]))
          .then(([val1, val2]) => val1 + val2)

    Remember, any time you’re using the new Promise(...) syntax, and calling proimse-generating functions inside that promise, you’re probably doing something that could be better accomplished with promise chaining.

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  2. You can do it without the need for creating an extra variable or using Promise.all() if you simply nest the dbQueries using the .then() method:

    // I am setting up a testing scenario here:
    const url="",
    // This is the actual function:
      getDatabaseData = pid =>
       dbQuery(pid).then(p =>
         dbQuery2(p.userId).then(u =>
           `Post ${}:"${p.title}" by ${}`
    // Now, test the function in an async IIFE:
    (async ()=>
      console.log(await getDatabaseData(1+Math.floor(100*Math.random())))

    This gives me full access to the results from both queries in a local scope under the objects p (post) and u (user).

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