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I need some help removing values from an array.
This is the array

        "label": "One",
        "value": "one"
        "label": "Two",
        "value": "two"
        "label": "Three",
        "value": "three"
        "label": "Four",
        "value": "four"
        "label": "Five",
        "value": "five"

This is the code which I tried

useEffect(() => {
            let od = [...options?.stockModeList]
            let dc; 

            if (!isNaN(state?.parentVariant)){
                dc = od.splice(options.length - 2, 2);
            } else {
                dc = od.splice(0, 3);

 // and also I tried this as well

if (state?.parentVariant === null){
                dc = od.splice(options.length - 2, 2);
            } else {
                dc = od.splice(0, 3);
            // console.log(dc)

    }, [ options?.stockModeList, state?.parentVariant])

The state?.parentVariant variable is updating dynamically when the UI is changing it will mostly be a null value or integer value. So if its a null then I need to run the first statement and if it is an integer then I need to run the else statement.

But the issue is even after the value is been changed it always stays in the if statement.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I created a new array as stockModeOptions to save the updated array data. And I wrote 02 conditions to check whether its a null or whether it's an empty string.

    And also there was a typo in the `od.splice(od.length -2,2); I was parsing the wrong data as well.

    And also I am updating this useEffect each and everytime when the entire state updates as well

        useEffect(() => {
            let od = [...options?.stockModeList]
            if (state?.parentVariant === '' || state?.parentVariant === null){
                od.splice(od.length - 2, 2);
            } else {
                od.splice(0, 3);
            setOptions((state) =>({
                stockModeOptions : od,
        }, [state])

  2. import React, { useState } from 'react';
    function MyComponent() {
      const [items, setItems] = useState([{
        "label": "One",
        "value": "one"
    }, {
        "label": "One",
        "value": "two"
    }, {
        "label": "One",
        "value": "three"
    },]); // your arrays item
      const handleValueChange = (index, newValue) => {
        // Create a new array with the updated value
        const updatedItems = [...items];
        updatedItems[index] = newValue;
        // Update the state with the new array
      const handleRemoveItem = (index) => {
        // Create a new array without the item to be removed
        const updatedItems = items.filter((_, i) => i !== index);
        // Update the state with the new array
      return (
          {, index) => (
            <div key={index}>
                onChange={(e) => handleValueChange(index,}
              <button onClick={() => handleRemoveItem(index)}>Remove</button>
    export default MyComponent;
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