how can I add a value to a string only when the value is not 0?
e.g. value={"" + query + "&lang=" + language}
I want to add &lang= only if lang is not 0.
When language == 0, expected answer:
When language is something else e.g. language == "en":
I tried using tenery operator and optional chaining but only allow to optional chain function, not string.
You could check the value and return oly if necessary.
The answer you’re looking for is:
value = { "" + query + (lang !== 0 ? "&lang="+language : null ) }
You can add an if inline to cheek if
is not 0.value={("" + query + "&lang=" + language).replace('&lang=0', '')}
let’s try this: "replace" is searching
if succesfull just replacing with empty string*with just variable, I mean without curve brackets is working in my node