I got error "throw new MongooseError(‘Mongoose.prototype.connect() no longer accepts a callback’);"
const mogoURI = "mongodb://localhost:27017/?directConnection=true";
const connectToMongo = ()=>{
console.log("Connected to Mongo Successfully");
module.exports = connectToMongo;```
what version of mongoose are you using? As the error says the connect method does not take a callback function. The second argument to the function is now an options object you can pass, but now the third parameter is the callback function.
doc: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/connections.html#callback
in your case if you just remove that callback it should work, just do:
As the error tells you, the callback is not supported anymore in Mongoose
function. Instead, the function returns a promise where you can handle it either for successful or error casesBetter way is to use JS await keyword:
If you are using moongoose 5.x and onward, modifying your code in following way should fix it
Also Remember to call your connectToMongo() function somewhere in your code.