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ES15 has introduced Records and Tuples, So can we use array as a attribute value inside the Record? Can we use object as a value of Tuple index?

1. Is it a valid for Record ?

const user = #{
  name: "Avyukt",
  age: 39,
  hobbies: ['sleeping', 'eating', 'crying'] // Is it a valid add arr 

2. Is it a valid Tuple?

const user = #[ 
    { name: "Avyukt", age: 1 }, // Is it valid to add object as a value
    { name: 'Reyansh', age: 5 } 



  1. This part of the proposed specification:

    Records and Tuples may only contain primitives and other Records and Tuples. Attempting to create a Record or Tuple that contains an Object (null is not an object) or a Function throws a TypeError.

    No, a tuple may not contain an object, but it can contain a Record, in the current proposal

    Likewise, a record may not contain an array value, but it can contain a tuple.

    I would caution against the title that ES15 has introduced anything.

    This is currently a stage 2 proposal only.

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  2. As Adam pointed out in their answer, in the current iteration of the proposed spec you can’t store objects (including arrays) in records or tuples, otherwise you’ll get a TypeError. The way that the spec authors recommend you handle this is to use a Symbol in place of your object/array within your record/tuple. The Symbol is then used as a key in a Map, allowing you to essentially dereference the symbol by looking up its corresponding value in the Map, for example:

    const RefsRegistry = new WeakMap(); 
    const hobbiesRef = Symbol("hobbies");
    RefsRegistry.set(hobbiesRef, ['sleeping', 'eating', 'crying']); // ECMAScript 2023 (ES14) now allows for Symbols in WeakMaps
    const user = #{
      name: "Avyukt",
      age: 39,
      hobbies: hobbiesRef

    Now the above record is valid, since it no longer contains an array, but rather holds a Symbol, and as that’s a primitive it’s allowed.

    When reading the value, you would need to dereference the Symbol using the Map, for example:

    const hobbies = RefsRegistry.get(user.hobbies);
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