I’m working on a program that aims to use an array of colors (that are stored as strings). I need to take the strings and change the color of a piece of text to a random color.
Sample Array:
let colorArray = ["red", "blue", "green", "purple"];
My Function:
// "introduction" refers to the piece of HTML that is being changed
function onClickIntro()
//returns a color from a random index in colorArray
return introduction = colorArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * colorArray.length())];
My goal is to use the strings from the array to change the color of a piece of HTML text. I’ve gotten nothing so far.
You’re almost there.
Building on what you already have so far, you can apply the color, via:
Further Reading:
You have to get the element that you want to change the color using getElementById, getElementsByClassName or the way you find useful for your code and change its style properties color or background:
Full example (use only if you get stuck after trying hard or after finishing your program)
Happy coding!