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I’m evaluating Axios and one thing I can’t seem to figure out how to enforce that a response is JSON. From what I’ve gathered, Axios will automatically parse the JSON for us based on the content type ( However, I was hoping to actually enforce that the response is JSON (e.g. if my nginx proxy returns HTML due to a downstream error, I would want to handle that).

I noticed that the Axios request config has a responseType property, but as near as I can tell, this is not used to actually enforce an expected type is returned. Here’s an example snippet that demonstrates what I’m talking about

axios.get('', {responseType: "json"})
  .then(res => console.log(`Response:n ${}`))
  .catch((err) => console.log(`Error: ${err}`))


                <!DOCTYPE html>
                <html lang="en">
                        <meta charset="utf-8">
                        <img alt="GRxZb4kUHleQ3LhC" src="/cat/GRxZb4kUHleQ3LhC">

The best thing I can find is to put JSON.parse in the transformResponse property, but this means that if there’s an error in parsing a response with a bad status code, I will lose that status code information in my catch.

axios.get('', {responseType: "json", transformResponse: JSON.parse})
  .then(res => console.log(`Responsen ${}`))
  .catch((err) => console.log(`Error: ${err}`))

Output (obviously, SyntaxError does not contain any information about the response):

Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 17

Is there a nice way to achieve what I want?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I think I've found a way to do what I want

    import axios, { AxiosResponse } from "axios";
    class BadResponseFormatError extends Error {
        constructor (public response: AxiosResponse) {
            super("Malformed response");
        (response: AxiosResponse) => {
            if (response.headers["content-type"] !== "application/json") {
                throw new BadResponseFormatError(response);
            try {
       = JSON.parse(;
                return response;
            } catch {
                throw new BadResponseFormatError(response);
    axios.get('', {responseType: "json", transformResponse: (body) => body})
      .then((res) => console.log(`Got response with data ${JSON.stringify(}`))
      .catch((err) =>  {
            // This could also be moved to a response interceptor,
            // I just did it here for the sake of demonstration
            if (err instanceof BadResponseFormatError) {
                console.error(`Got a bad format response with status code ${err.response.status}: ${}`)
            } else {
                console.error(`Got some other error: ${err}`)

    A brief summary of what's going on

    1. I'm using transformResponse doing (body) => body, as presented in this answer. This allows the response interceptor to actually get at the textual response data. This was the key to make this work.
    2. I then delay the actual parse to the response interceptor, which allows me to error handle the parse manually.
    3. From there, I can create a custom exception that contains the original response, which I then use in my error handling.

  2. I think there is some confusion about the term "JSON"

    I think what you mean is that you want the result from Axios to be a Javascript object, not a JSON string. The confusion is common because we often call Javascript objects "JSON objects" as a slang term.

    If you type the following into the console, the resulting value of a will be a Javascript object:

    const a = { x: 10}

    Some people would call a a JSON object, but strictly speaking it is not. The JSON representation of a is the following string:

    { "x": 10 }

    What Axios returns to you_ not a JSON string, but a Javascript object

    This contains various pieces of information, in different properties of the object. Important to us here are:

    • The "data" property, which may be a string containing HTML, or a Javascript object, or something else.

    • Within the "headers" property, the "content-type" subproperty. This will begin with "application/json" if data is a Javascript object, and "text/html" if data is an HTML response.

    Here is your code showing the content-type of the server response explicitly.

      .then(response => {
        console.log("Example of an API returning an HTML response")
        const contentType = response.headers["content-type"];
        const data =;
        console.log("Type of response data is:", contentType)
        console.log("Because it is a long string, I am just going to show a few characters of it:", data.slice(0, 40))
      .catch((err) => console.log(`Error: ${err}`))
      .then(response => {
        console.log("Example of an API returning an JSON response")
        const contentType = response.headers["content-type"];
        const data =;
        console.log("Type of response data is:", contentType)
        console.log("Because it is a small object, I am going to show it all:", data)
      .catch((err) => console.log(`Error: ${err}`))
    <script src="" integrity="sha512-LUKzDoJKOLqnxGWWIBM4lzRBlxcva2ZTztO8bTcWPmDSpkErWx0bSP4pdsjNH8kiHAUPaT06UXcb+vOEZH+HpQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

    The API returns an HTML string

    Axios faithfully gives you that string in the data property.

     <!DOCTYPE html>
                    <html lang="en">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                            <img alt="ltBmKwnyGcagdHo3" src="/cat/ltBmKwnyGcagdHo3">

    The API returns a JSON string to Axios

    Axios automatically converts that JSON string into a Javascript object for you.

    {"id":1,"title":"iPhone 9","description":"An apple mobile which is nothing like apple","price":549,"discountPercentage":12.96,"rating":4.69,"stock":94,"brand":"Apple","category":"smartphones","thumbnail":"","images":["","","","",""]}

    One way to achieve what you want:

    • Read response.headers["content-type"]

    • If it begins with application/json, then you are in luck: just treat as a Javascript object

    • If it begins with text/html, despite you having requested a JSON, then something has gone wrong. You could read as HTML, and look for whether the server said anything helpful.

    I don’t like the idea of wrapping everything in a try/catch, and picking up a failed JSON.parse. We are already being given information on whether is an object or not, so let’s use that.

    You could even write a wrapper for Axios

    That could do the above, so you only have to write the code once.

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