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How can I type the props in the react typescript ? I’m getting the error Property ‘authors’ does not exist on type ‘[Props] & { children?: ReactNode; }’.ts. I’m expecting to pass an array wich consists of name and password keys.

type Props = {
  authors: {
    name: string;
    password: string;

const Login: FC<[Props]> = ({ authors }) => {
  return (

, even though I’m passing the props.



  1. Try changing the [Props] to Props like following

    const Login: FC<Props> = ({ authors }) => { ... }

    Now it will work because it’s expecting object not array, we will pass an object like <Login authors={authors} />. Now authors will be an array of objects.

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  2. You defined IUser interface and defined name,password states with IUser type that’s will cause a problem because when you define this:

    const [name, setName] = useState<IUser>("");
    // name will expected to be 
    name = {
        name: 'name',
        password: 'password'

    and that’s wrong because name,password is a string so try to define it like this:

    const [name, setName] = useState<IUser["name"]>("");
    const [password, setPassword] = useState<IUser["password"]>("");

    then you have to fix passing authors to your FC component:

    const Login: FC<Props> // instead of <[Props]>

    last thing you have to fix this type to match the type of data you passed it from App.tsx:

    type Props = {
        authors: {
           author_name: string; // instead of name
           password: string;
    // because you are passing and comparing here with author_name not with name
    const userData = authors.find(
      (user) => user.author_name === name && user.password === password

    and you passed it from App like this:

    const Authors = [
          id: "001",
          author_name: "John Smith", // not a name
          password: "123"
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  3. You can either use type or interface to describe props.
    Usually interface is used for describing objects.
    It’s also a nice convention to start interfaces with letter I and types with T.

    interface IAuthor {
      name: string;
      password: string;
    const Login = ({ authors }: { authors: IAuthor[] ): JSX.Element => {
      return (

    In the above example, the Login component expects a prop authors that is an array of objects described by IAuthor e.g.

    authors = [
        name: "Spiderman"
        password: "maryjane"
        name: "Superman"
        password: "loislane"

    Hope this helps.

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  4.         type Props = {
              authors: {
                name: string;
                password: string;
            const Login: FC<Props> = ({ authors }) => {
              const history = useHistory();
              const [name, setName] = useState<IUser["name"]>("");
              const [password, setPassword] = useState<IUser["password"]>("");
        please use these syntaxes to fix the error. There are three errors in your code that I found.
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