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We are in the process of phasing out custom forms (created in React) on our website, and replacing them with Microsoft Dynamics 365 generated forms.

These forms are injected via a React placeholder component created by a script to load the js bundle and loaded into the DOM by the code below, as they are created in Dynamics 365 the structure is handled in the form builder.

React.createElement(d365mktforms.FormPlaceholder, {
            formId: '14299349-****-****-****-*******cde50335',
            formApiBaseUrl: '****c3d6-****-****-a87b-5f737234ce93/landingpageforms',
            formUrl: '****3d6-****-****-a87b-5f737234****/digitalassets/forms/1429****-****-****-8847-000d3aa0****',
        }, 'contactForm')

We want to retain the custom validation and styling currently used for the custom forms. This includes adding an event listeners for all email fields and making an API request for validation, and displaying validation messages in labels underneath the fields like so:

enter image description here

These labels don’t exist in the Microsoft generated forms, so I need to create them on the fly or on a "form loaded" event. I can do this pretty easily using JavaScript and modifying the DOM, however I know this goes against the purpose of React.

Is there a correct way of fetching creating a React element and adding them into the injected HTML elements?



  1. Step 1: Adding DOM Container To The HTML. First, open the HTML page that you want to change. …
    Step 2: Add The Script Tags Or React Tags. Next, you have to add three tags to the HTML page right before the closing tag. …
    Step 3: Create A React Component

    and there is four way to do it here refer link to explain you more

    and there is another way

    var html = ‘Play’;
    html += ‘Mute’;
    html += ”;
    html += ‘0:00’;
    html += ‘0:00’;

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  2. you can create a FormValidation component that takes in the email field value and returns a styled label with valid or invalid text based on the API response. You can then render this component within your d365mktforms.FormPlaceholder component based on whether the form has loaded or not.

    function FormValidation({ emailValue }) {
      // make API request for validation
      const isValid = ...; // determine if email is valid
      return (
        <label style={{ color: isValid ? 'green' : 'red' }}>
          {isValid ? ' ' : 'Not a valid email adress!'}
    function FormPlaceholderWrapper() {
      const [isFormLoaded, setIsFormLoaded] = useState(false);
      function handleOnLoad() {
      return (
          {isFormLoaded && <FormValidation emailValue={...} />}

    the FormPlaceholderWrapper component renders the Microsoft Dynamics 365 form placeholder and conditionally renders the FormValidation component once the form has loaded. You can pass in the necessary props to the FormValidation component to validate the email field.

    By using this approach, you can add React elements to the injected HTML without directly manipulating the DOM and keeping the benefits of React’s declarative programming model

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