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Been looking at various solutions for this, but they all seem to be backend-related.
I am looking for a Vue/JavaScript method.
I have a string that contains ID’s. The first 6 digits are date of birth, and the final 4 are a personal number, so an ID will look something like this:


So the first 6 digits represent DD/MM/YYYY.

I have two fields: one where the ID is entered and one that contains date of birth. I would like for the date of birth field to be updated when an ID has been entered, using the first 6 digits and converting them into a date format.

This is how far I have gotten:

I have a computed method that looks like this:

    if(!this.dateOfBirth && this.userId > 6){
      return this.dateOfBirth = this.userId.substring(0,6)

And I added it as a change event in the userId input form

    <b-form-input v-model="userId" @change="updateDateOfBirth" placeholder="Enter your ID"></b-form-input>
    <div class="mt-2">Value: {{ userId }}</div>

    <b-form-datepicker id="dateOfBirth" v-model="dateOfBirth" class="mb-2"></b-form-datepicker>
    <p>Value: '{{ dateOfBirth }}'</p>

But I need to convert the 5th and 6th digits into a year format, so 211089 becomes 21/10/1989.

Is it something that can be done by moment.js maybe? I have not been able to find any good examples.



  1. You can use moment js

    import MC from './components/MC.vue';
    import moment from 'moment';
    export default {
      name: 'App',
      moment: moment,
      components: {
      computed: {
        timestamp: function () {
          return moment('211089', 'DDMMYY').format('DD/MM/YYYY')
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  2. Vue SFC Playground

    I did it in Composition API, just port to Options API, and change ot your date picker format, I used a standard input[type=date].

    1. Use watch instead of @change since you already have a model for the ID input
    2. Get date parts with a regex
    3. Validate against Date
    4. Set the error or datepicker value accordingly:
    <script setup>
    import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
    const userId = ref('');
    const dateOfBirth = ref('');
    const error = ref('');
    watch(userId, userId => {
      error.value = '';
      const match = userId.match(/^(d{2})(d{2})(d{2})/);
        let [_, d, m, y] = match;
        const curr = new Date().getFullYear().toString().slice(-2);
        y = (y > curr && y < 100 ? 1900 : 2000) + +y;
        const val = `${y}-${m}-${d}`; // make your own format
        // validate date here - convert to date and compare to the format
        const dt = new Date(y, m - 1, d, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        const formatted = `${dt.getFullYear()}-${dt.getMonth() + 1}-${dt.getDate()}`;
        if(formatted !== val){
          error.value = 'Invalid ID date format';
        } else {
          dateOfBirth.value = val;
        <input v-model="userId" placeholder="Enter your ID">
        <div style="color:red" class="error">{{error}}</div>
        <div class="mt-2">Value: {{ userId }}</div>
        <input type="date" id="dateOfBirth" v-model="dateOfBirth" class="mb-2">
        <p>Value: '{{ dateOfBirth }}'</p>
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