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In my application, i am working on storing user form responses. I have created pinia store and created each forms object. Using this store into my component and passing the getter function of that store into variable,

That variable, i am using as a v-model. After giving input also it is not returning anything. As well as i am not getting any error for this. Did i follow any wrong approach?


    import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
    export const userResponses = {
      formsResponses: {
        form1: {
          input1: '',
    export default defineStore('userStore', {
      state() { return userResponses; },
      getters: {
        getFormsInput: (state) => state.formsResponses.form1,
      actions: {
        setFormsResponses(formResponses) {
          this.formsResponses.form1 = formResponses;


    <input type="text" name="input_form" v-model="input"/>
    <button type="Primary" @click="submit">submit</button>
    <script setup>
    import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
    import useUserStore from '@/store/userStore';
    const userStore = useUserStore();
    const input = ref('');
    const responses = computed(() => userStore.getFormsInput);
    reponses.value.input1 = input.value;
    function submit() {
      console.log(reponses.value.input1); // it is giving nothing

Why i am not able to use getters or not updating the value? Shall i directly can use getters into v-model?



  1. Getter from pinia is a computed value of a state afterall. You should prevent using a computed value as a v-model. Especially when there is no getter and setter for getter in pinia right now.

    If the getFormsInput is only for returning a specific property of a json. I suggest you to mutate directly the state by accessing formsResponses.form1.input1.

      <input type="text" name="input_form" v-model="userStore.formsResponses.form1.input1"/>
      <button type="Primary" @click="submit">submit</button>
    <script setup>
    import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
    import useUserStore from '@/store/userStore';
    const userStore = useUserStore();
    function submit() {
      console.log(userStore.formsResponses.form1.input1); //they should be the same
      console.log(userStore.getFormsInput); //they should be the same

    Btw I don’t think .value is needed when you try to access the value of a json property.

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  2. I believe you made a typo mistake here.

    const responses = computed(() => userStore.getFormsInput);
    responses.value.input1 = input.value; //typo responses
    function submit() {
      console.log(responses.value.input1); // typo responses
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