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@Input() a: number;

// Check of null or undefined
if (a)
  // do stuff

With the usual check, the value 0 will also be considered as false and the variable will not pass the if.

There is already a lot of questions around this but I could not find anything that handles the value zero.
Is there anything like the a?.b of typescript but for simple type?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The obvious solution is the verbose (when you need to check multiple values it quickly becomes crowded in your condition).

    if (a !== undefined && a !== null)
      // do stuff

    I also thought of this, a bit shorter but less obvious to read

    if (a || a === 0)
      // do stuff

  2. Keeping the code from becoming crowded is a good goal. You can define your own functions, like so:

    function isBlank(s) {
        return (undefined === s || null === s || "" == s.trim());
    function isZero(s) {
        return (!isBlank(s) && "0" == s.trim());

    Your original code block changes as follows, and is just as easy to read:

    // Check of null or undefined
    if (isZero(a))
      // do stuff

    For more information on the falsy values in JavaScript, here are a few good resources:

    All falsey values in JavaScript

    To play around with some additional values:

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