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I have an array of objects that I want to find the highest value of the key ‘saving’. I’ve used this:

maxSaving = tableResults.reduce((prev, current)=> ( (prev.saving > current.saving) ? prev : current),0) 

Which correctly gives me the highest result in the array. The issue I have is that it’s always the last instance of the highest result if there are multiple results for the highest number and I want the first, not the last.

I thought something like this would work but it doesn’t:

maxSaving = tableResults.reduce((prev, current)=> ( (prev.saving > current.saving && prev.saving != current.saving) ? prev : current),0) 

I really can’t figure it out and I am new to using reduce.



  1. I’m assuming that your array kinda looks like this.

    • Use reduce to find the highest number in the saving key
    • start with the first object as the initial maximum.

    In this code if you have 2 elements with the same highest value, the code will return only the first occurrence because maxObject value is only updated if the current value is higher

    //this is just a sample array
    const results = [
      { saving: 100, index: 0 },
      { saving: 200, index: 1 },
      { saving: 500, index: 2 },
      { saving: 150, index: 3 },
      { saving: 300, index: 4 },
      { saving: 500, index: 5 },
    const maxSavingObject = results.reduce((maxObject, currentObject) => {
      return currentObject.saving > maxObject.saving ? currentObject : maxObject;
    }, results[0]); 
    console.log('Object with the highest saving:', maxSavingObject);
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  2. It seems like you’re on the right track with using the reduce function to find the maximum value in the array of objects based on the ‘saving’ key. To get the first occurrence of the highest value rather than the last, you might need to slightly adjust the logic.

    You can modify the reduce function to track both the maximum value and its index in the array. Here’s an example of how you could do this:

    // Sample array of objects
    const tableResults = [
      { saving: 10 },
      { saving: 15 },
      { saving: 20 },
      { saving: 15 },
      { saving: 20 }
    // Find the first occurrence of the highest 'saving' value
    const maxSaving = tableResults.reduce((prev, current, index, array) => {
      if (current.saving > prev.maxValue) {
        return { maxValue: current.saving, index };
      } else {
        return prev;
    }, { maxValue: -Infinity, index: -1 });
    // Access the object with the first occurrence of the highest 'saving' value
    const firstMaxSavingObject = tableResults[maxSaving.index];
    console.log(firstMaxSavingObject); // This object contains the first occurrence of the highest 'saving' value

    This code snippet initializes the reduce function with an object that keeps track of both the maximum value found so far (maxValue) and its index in the array (index). It iterates through the array of objects, updating these values whenever a higher ‘saving’ value is encountered. Finally, it retrieves the object with the first occurrence of the highest ‘saving’ value using the index stored in the maxSaving object.

    This way, you can get the first object that contains the highest ‘saving’ value within the array of objects.

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  3. This is one of those scenarios where you should not provide the initial value as second argument to reduce. Moreover, the value 0 is just wrong for such initial value, since the accumulator is assumed to be an object, not an integer.

    Apart from that you should just change > to >= and you’re done.

    tableResults.reduce((prev, current) => prev.saving >= current.saving ? prev : current) 
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  4. The trick is to make a change ONLY when current.saving is greater than prev.saving – this should prevent replacing the first match with the second and so on. So something like this should do it:

    maxSaving = tableResults.reduce((prev, current)=> current.saving > prev.saving ? current : prev)
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