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new to JS here and working on a react project, I want to essentially have the button’s visibility attribute which is set to false to change to true when a checkbox is checked, here is my code and I believe the logic is there but for some reason is not reflected on the UI, any advice is appreciated

    const [visible, setVisibility] = useState(false)

    function clicked() {
        console.log('in cliked')
        const check = document.getElementById('acknowledged')
        check.addEventListener('click', showContinueButton())

    function showContinueButton() {
        const continueButton = document.getElementById('continue')

        if(visible) {
            console.log('in the visible for loop')
            continueButton.setAttribute('visibility', 'visible')

the code above is the code I have defined before the return JSX, then within the JSX I call this code as followed…

<input type='checkbox' id='acknowledged' onClick={clicked}></input>

So essentially when this checkbox is clicked, using the onClick attribute, I pass the click function I passed earlier which has an eventListener with a callback function to change the visibility of the button



  1. I want to point out that there are a lot of classical JavaScript logic in your functions, which should be used via hooks, and not directly.

    Hence these vanilla functions have better alternatives in React.


    The right way to resolve your issue should instead be as follows:

    import { useState } from "react";
    export default function App() {
      // 1. the variable 'visible' has initial value equal to false
      const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
      3. The click handle button updates the state (variable value of visible) to opposite of whatever it is,
      if true , then false, if false, then true
      function onClickHandle() {
        setVisible((visible) => !visible);
      5. LOGIC
      This function is returned everytime the state of the application changes, meaning everytime a user clicks on the checkbox, the state of var visible changes, and hence the component rerenders.
      return (
        <div className="App">
            {/* 2. The input checkbox has a onClick Handler function passed as reference, meaning that function will be called when the checkbox is clicked. */}
            <input type="checkbox" onClick={onClickHandle} />
          {/* 4. Application - An example of how to handle the logic, I have used terinary operator but basically it is saying if the value of visible if visible, return 'checked', else return 'not checked' */}
          <h2>Check box is {visible ? "checked" : "not checked"}</h2>

    Working example here

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  2. With the use of a state, you don’t need to manipulate the CSS.

    Here is an example for your reference:

    const [visible, setVisibility] = useState(false);
    let clicked = e => {
    return ( 
         &nbsp; <input type = "checkbox" onClick = {clicked}/> 
          visible &&
          <button> Button1 </button>
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