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How to replace the last occurence of } in a multiline string in Javascript?

The method from how to replace last occurrence of a word in javascript? doesn’t work in the case of a multiline string:

"line1}hellon}nline2}abc".replace(/(.*)}/g, "$1");
// "line1hellonnline2abc"

because in this case every } is replaced, which I don’t want.

Note: it’s not a duplicate of Replace last occurrence of character in string because my question is specifically about multiline strings, and the linked question is not.



  1. You just need to change the modifier from g (global) to s (single line):

    "line1}hellon}nline2}abc".replace(/(.*)}/s, "$1");
    // "line1}hellon}nline2abc"

    You don’t need g at all since you want to perform a single match.
    By default, the regex is performed per line, but using s will treat the input string as a single line.

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  2. You can use /}(?=[^n]*$)/gm for remove } in every line.

    const str = "line1}hellon}nline2}abc";
    const result = str.replace(/}(?![sS]*})/, '|');

    This regex works by looking for a } character that is not followed by another } character anywhere at the rest of the string.

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  3. You can use something like this:

    const str = `line1}hello
    const result = str.replace(/}(?=[^}]*$)/, '');

    Regex explanation:

    • / – start delimiter
    • } – find literal closing curly brace
    • (?=[^}]*$) – ahead of me is no other closing curly brace till the end of the string (not line)
    • / – end delimiter
    • Notice no flags; important

    By not using the multiline flag /m, the $ behaves as a end-of-string meta escape instead of end-of-line.

    Do note that PCRE has a dedicated meta escape for end-of-string z but JS does not.

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